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  ____            _              ____  _                    ____                                          _ 
 / ___|___  _ __ | | ___   _    |  _ \(_)_ __   __ _ ___   |  _ \ _____   ____ _ _ __ ___  _ __   ___  __| |
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                       |___/                   |___/                                      |_|               



The whole setup is based on Conky Conky Conky theme by YesThisIsMe. However, I found the theme to be very old, 
so I made a lot of modifications of my own in it.

There are four separate Conky widgets in the whole setup:
	- the main one with rings
	- memory
	- CPU
	- notes (lists the contents of file "~/notes.txt")
Use the script to start them in proper order.

Put all the files in ~/.Conky/ and run the script to start them. You can autostart the script at startup to make it
load at every boot.

Enjoy, experiment, share your results!



My modifications to the original theme:
	- Made it look even more minimal.
	- Added 4 cpu bars instead of 2, since many modern CPUs now have four cores. Thickened the battery and RAM
	  bars to give it a consistent look.
	- CPU and memory conkys now show 4 items instead of 3.
	- Reduced the size of clock hands.
	- Added labels "Home" and "Root" to the space indicator.
	- Removed minute and hour rings to make it look less cluttered.
	- Removed the battery percentage level indicator, since the method it followed is deprecated in the recent
	  kernel versions.
	- Fixed the repeated "conky: unknown variable" error in the console upon execution of the script
	- Improved the "notes" conky a lot. Added a label "TO-DO" to it, and now it shows the number of items you have
	  in your to-do list (~/notes.txt).
	- Removed the Gmail has apparently blocked such scripts since they're not secure enough.
	- Moved everything in "~/.Conky", so no need of creating two different folders.
	- A few more minor changes in font and positioning that I probably will remember after I've uploaded it. :D


Traditional Conky Rings Theme






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