..... .... .... for your Crypto
(c) 2019 ConsulTent Ltd.
Donations accepted [Firo]: aGoK6MF87K2SgT7cnJFhSWt7u2cAS5m18p
Please see the Wiki
Node Noodle allows you to monitor your wallet/masternode for block drift and network block halts.
./noodle -c
Node Noodle (c) 2019 ConsulTent Ltd. v1.0.1
Donations accepted [Firo]: aGoK6MF87K2SgT7cnJFhSWt7u2cAS5m18p
INFO[0000] Supported: Firo
INFO[0000] Supported: BitCloud
INFO[0000] Supported: EliteCoin/1337
INFO[0000] Supported: Dash
INFO[0000] Supported: PIVX