No due date
66% complete
In rough order of importance:
Add download locations to readme
- Upload to more package repos?
- Rewrite consolelib argument handling and implement it
Refine hallways
- Client hallway does not need to know Timeout.
- Probably more..?
Probably more..?
- Static sequence support (client only or full)?
- Dynamic length sequences (Probably long term)?
- Al…
In rough order of importance:
- Add download locations to readme
- Upload to more package repos?
- Rewrite consolelib argument handling and implement it
- Refine hallways
- Client hallway does not need to know Timeout.
- Probably more..?
- Probably more..?
- Static sequence support (client only or full)?
- Dynamic length sequences (Probably long term)?
- Allow sequence to exist on multiple interfaces?
- Dynamically interfaced knock sequences (Probably very long term, if ever)
- More protocols?
- There is nothing except our own sanity stopping entirely custom "protocols" from being used.