BearBnB is a soft clone of Airbnb.
Check out BearBnB
Clone this repository:
Install denpendencies into the Backed and the Frontend by making a terminal for each one and then run the following:
npm install
Create a .env file using the .envexample provided
Set up your database with information from your .env and then run the following to create your database, migrate, and seed:
npx dotenv sequelize db:create
npx dotenv sequelize db:migrate
npx dotenv sequelize db:seed:all
Start the app for both backend and frontend using:
npm start
Now you can use the Demo User or Create an account
- For setting up your AWS refer to this guide
- Users can create a Spot
- Users can read/view other Spot
- Users can update their Spot
- Users can delete their Spot
- Users can create Reviews on Spots
- users can read/view all of the Reviews on a Spot
- Users can delete their Review(s) on a Spot
Logged-in Users can
- Create a booking at a spot
- Update their booking at a spot
- Read all of their bookings
- Delete/Cancel their booking
Logged-in Users can
- Upload multiple images of their spot to AWS S3
Logged in Users can
- Locate their spot with Google Maps Api