This programme is a component of the second version of Eevee2, the second generation of the connected exoskeleton prototype developed by Lucas Ribeiro and Corentin Benoit.
This program pre-processes the raw sensor data to make it readable by edge-impulse.
Allow :
* Initialisation of sensors
* Calibration of gyroscope
* Data standardisation.
- Membrane potentiometer SoftPot Datasheet.
- Electronic board STM32L4S5I Datasheet.
- Wiper for membrane potentiometer.
- Fixing parts.
- Laevo Flex.
Be careful, you need, before to launch the code, enter the different membrane potentiometer characteristics.
const int ACTIVE_LENGTH = 170-10; // SoftPot active length taking into account its (EET) Efective Electrical Travel
const int ACTIVE_ANGLE = 255; // SoftPot active angle, conversion of active length in theory but may vary due to curved potentiometer
const int VOLTAGE_LIMITATION = 0; //In the event that the input resistance reduces the current in the input pin too much, the new maximum should be measured and subtracted from