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Real Chain Replication

Scott Lystig Fritchie edited this page Sep 16, 2016 · 1 revision

Heh, fighting words. ^_^

"Real" CR has a big advantage over Corfu-style CR: fewer network messages per successful write, nominally for chain length of N:

  • Corfu-style: 2N network messages
  • Real: N +1 network messages

"Real" CR places very different demands on the server implementation. Does VRG and/or VMware-in-the-large want to bother with "real" style? (Update since June 2016: Yes, VRG cares, because of Replex.)

On the plus side, "real" CR has a much lower requirements for complex logic in the client. We are already struggling with early questions of how many client implementations do we want?

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