- CosmWasm Book (by Bartlomiej Kuras)
- CosmWasmJS Docs
Great intro video "CosmWasm Crash Course": https://vimeo.com/740676319
Check out this great overview video from HackAtom Seoul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x75UobIr4qo&t=5s
Ethan's HackAtom video. Intro starts here about basic interfaces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x75UobIr4qo&t=7077s
Here I get into a real example, implementing "Simple ICA" contracts that are similar to Interchain Accounts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x75UobIr4qo&t=9070s
- Simple ICA example: Example IBC enabled contracts along with full stack integration tests (v0.1.1 is the functionality demo'd in the video - later versions are improvements on the protocol
Here is the code and tests for another approach, a contract speaking standard ics20 protocol, so it connects to standard Go module on a non-CosmWasm chain: