For building TWRP for Xiaomi PocoPhone F1
- Decryption of /data
- Screen brightness settings
- Now UI is very smooth
- Vibration on touch
- Correct screenshot color
First checkout minimal twrp with omnirom tree:
repo init -u git:// -b twrp-9.0
repo sync
Then add these projects to .repo/manifest.xml:
<project path="device/xiaomi/beryllium" name="PainKiller3/twrp_xiaomi_beryllium-new" remote="github" revision="android-9.0" />
Finally execute these:
. build/
lunch omni_beryllium-eng
mka adbd recoveryimage ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true # Only if you use minimal twrp tree.
To test it:
fastboot boot out/target/product/beryllium/recovery.img
- Thanks to @notsyncing for the base: