A Hadoop-based Java project that counts the max number of word occurences for each letter in a textfile of a folder.
We basically need for every letter of the alphabet to retrieve the maximum number of words beginning with this given letter, along with the file that these words are located. So in fact we have a case of a wordcount problem with a distributed file system twist.
To make this work based in the MapReduce model, we need 2 rounds of execution.
We initially ap the text we have as input into key-value pairs as follows, by scanning each file and picking out the first character of every word, and adding 1 as the initial value since a given letter is found at least once in this given file by a particular compute node.
((letter, filename), 1)
Then, we try to reduce the values we had from the pairs based by key, so for each individual letter and file we have the sum of occurences for words that start with that very letter, having this kind of key-value pairs as result:
((letter,filename), sum_of_occurences)
We map our inbetween results from the first round in a way so the key is each letter of the alphabet and the value is a composite one that refers to the filename with the maximum sum of occurences of words starting with that letter in particular.
(letter, (filename, sum_of_occurences))
At last, we can simply reduce based by key once again, only this time instead of computing the sum we find and set the max of all the sums of occurences and the filename of them.
(letter, (filename, max_num_of_occurences))
In order to make those pairs work within the Hadoop environment, we need to create specific classes (FilenameSumCompositeKey
, LetterFilenameCompositeKey
) to make objects and hold the data for the composite keys and values during the execution rounds.
(while being in the project directory)
Create the input directory in the HDFS
hadoop fs -mkdir input
Copy all the files from the local input directory to the HDFS input directory
hadoop fs -put ./input input
Create a directory to store the .class files
mkdir HLFIC_classes
Compile the project
javac -classpath "$(yarn classpath)" -d HLFIC_classes LetterFileIndexCounter.java LetterFilenameCompositeKey.java FilenameSumCompositeKey.java
Create the jar file of the project
jar -cvf HLFIC.jar -C HLFIC_classes/ .
Run the project
hadoop jar HLFIC.jar org.myorg.LetterFileIndexCounter input inbetween output
Print the results to the terminal
hadoop fs -cat output/part-00000
- All the input files are located in the
directory with 20 files that contain a small phrase from Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. - All the files of inbetween results will appear to the distributed file system under the
directory - All the files of the final results will appear to the distributed file system under the
directory - Number of reducers can be changed for both execution rounds
- Also check out the