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Elzero Web School

CSS Course


Gerneral form

selector {
    property: value;
    property2: value;


  • can be name of html element
    • b{
  • can be class name of html element
  • to tell css that the name is class we put dot . before
    • .class-name {
  • can be id of html element
  • Caution This is not a best practise to use id as selector
  • to tell css that the name is id we put hash # before
    • #id-name {


To specify certin class of certin html element

htmlElement .calss-name


style can be used in 3 way

  1. external
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">
  2. internal
  3. inline
    • Caution This is not a best practise to use inline
    • inline style will override other styles
    <htmlelement style="           "></htmlelement>


identifiers: any thing u can recognize htmlelement by like id and calss

  • cannot start with number
  • can start with Hyphen- or underscoer _ or any english letter[a-z]
  • don't use camelcase letter u can use Hyphen- or underscoer _ to seprate word instead



  • u can select color by name if its name avliable like color: red;
  • u can use rgb(r g b) each value start from 0 to 255 if u want alpha u can use for example rgb(r g b / 10%)
  • u can use hex value like #RRGGBB each value start from 00 to FF if u want alpha u can use #RRGGBBAA

using file inside css by url(" ")


background-attachment controls how image will behave while scroll

  • fixed image will be shown while scroll
  • scroll image will be scrolled


direction in css is Top Right Bottom Left

u can imagine it like clock clockWise

----  Top  ----
Left ---- Right
---- Bttom ----

any non given value will take its value from the one it meets

padding dosnot allow negative values


margin allow negative values

if u for example specify container width as 70% of screen and want to center it u can do that

  width: 70%;
  margin-left: 15%;

best practise

  width: 70%;
  margin-left: auto;

the browser will calculate the value


border and outline

  • Outline dosen't effect the element sized
  • Not best practise to use outline from css v3 new feature make it posible that border dosen't effect the element sized flex
  • outline is limited compare to border u can edit every direction of ````borderbutoutline``` not



  • Block

    • Dosen't allow element beside it
    • Take full width if no width
    • Add line break before element
    • Respect all property
  • Inline

    • Allow element beside it
    • Don't respect width or height
    • DO not add line break before element
    • Respect padding and margin only left and right
  • InlineBlock

    • Allow element beside it
    • Respect width or height
    • Add line break before element
    • Respect all property


u can hide element by 2 ways

  • dispaly: none

    • element will be deleted from tree || hide and its place disapper
  • visibility: hidden

    • element will not be deleted from tree || hide and its place still shown


grouping u can group multipule selector like that

selector01, selector02, selector03, selector04{



Nesting selector

selector01 selector02 selector03 selector04{


mean apply this on selector04 which lay in selector03 which lay in selector02 which lay in selector01



fit-content to fit content inside element



controls overflow elements in current element -hidden hide overflowed content
-visible show overflowed content "Default value"
-scroll show scrollbar to scroll -auto show scrollbar only if content overflowed but hide if not u can control each direction by using Overflow-X and Overflow-Y


if u want to inherit any value from upper element in the tree use inherit like

.div {
  padding: 20px;
.div .p {
  padding: inherit;

here p element inside div element will inherit padding value from div




  • default value of postion
  • top rigth bottom left don't affect


  • move depend on his postion
  • it required to put it into parent div to make element move depend on it
    • if u delete it the child element will move depednd on nearest parent


  • element out of workflow
  • move depened on page


  • move depednd on page regardless where it is
  • move with u while scroll for example button to go to top of the page


  • fixed at its postion
  • make u scroll screen but when arrive to that element it will be sticky with u
  • requires place to be sticked to use top or left .. etc

for example nav bar


Pseudo Elements


to deal with first letter in element


to deal with first line in element


what happen with element when selected

before & after

to show them u must set content:"" property


counter( )

  • member-counter to show count of element

attr( )


The default behavouir of any element it add padding and margin to the width and height of the element if u want to have const height and width when u change padding use box-sizing: border-box;

To use box-sizing u might need to apply this code

* {
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  box-sizing: border-box;

If u have some property u want to apply it to all html element u can use this

* {



  // Time of change
  transition-duration: 1s;
  // delay taken to start transtion
  // u can define multipule times separeted by comma ,
  transition-delay: 0.2s;
  // which function will run to start transion
  transition-property: width;

  // u can define multipule property separeted by comma ,
  transition-property: width, height;
  // curve of transition time
  transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;

  // compact property [property | Delay | duration | function]
  transition: all 2s 0.5s linear;

u can for example say that i want transion in width finish in 3s and hight in 2s like this

  transition: width 3s,height 2s;


! important declaration u can use it to mark property as important to override any style exsits with change in the same property

  • if u are an expert person and u build all style from scratch u may not use this decleration
  • if u modify others page and u haven't access to source html or main style u may use it many and many


The margin collapse

  • [1] Only vertical margin collapse
  • [2] Bigger margin wins
  • [3] Collapsing work with element with no thing between


CSS Variables

  • Global Variable
  • Local Variable

to decalre global variable

:root {
  --variableName : value;

to decalre Local variable

element {
  --variableName : value;

to use variable we use var(Variable Name, Fall Back Value)

  • fallback: like default value or value to apply if varibale currapted or not exsist

46 - 47

Flexible Box

For Parent

  • display: flex => To Start Flexible Box
  • flex-direction: row => Default Value
  • flex-wrap: nowrap => Default Value
    • what to do with bouns element
  • flex-flow: [Flex-Direction] + [Flex-Wrap]
  • justify-content: flex-start => Default Value
    • organize element horizontaly
  • align-items: stretch => Default Value
    • organize element verticaly
  • align-contents: stretch => Default Value
    • Deals with content

For Child

  • flex-grow: 0 => Default Value
  • flex-shrink: 1 => Default Value
  • order: 0 => Default Value
    • change order of element inside flex
  • flex-basis: auto => Default Value
    • deals with width when hor or height when ver0.3
    • .0


  • flex: [Flex Grow] [Flex Shrink] [Flex Basis] 0 1 Auto
  • align-self: auto => Default Value
    • override align-items for certin content



filter: grayscale(0-100)



and there is more but first check browsers compabilty



background-image: gradient

Linear linear-gradient(Direction||Angle , color stop 1, color stop2, .....) -Direction||Angle - to top u can use to + top or right .... - 0deg

  • Color stop 1
    • u can specify percentage after color for example red 80%
    • u can specify distance after color for example red 300px


Caret Color

  • change mouse cursor color caret-color:

Pointer Events

  • use for example to disable mouse interacte with element



For Parent

  • display: grid
    • to start grid
  • grid-template-columns: number of columns in grid in
    • ...px
    • ..%
    • Auto is shy and take size to fit content
    • fr is greedy
    • repeat(number,...)
    • Mix all pervouis
  • grid-template-row: number of rows in grid in
    • ...px
    • ..%
    • Auto is shy and take size to fit content
    • fr is greedy
    • repeat(number,...)
    • Mix all pervouis
  • row-gap:
  • column-gap:
  • gap: is short hand for two prevoius
  • justify content:
  • align-items:
  • grid-template-area: "%% %% . %%"
    • %% set any name u want but add this peroperty in css code of element grid-area: %%
    • Dot . mean leave this e=column empty

For Child

  • grid-column: 1 / 7 mean start from 1 end at 7 this is shorthand for column-start and column-end be careful if u use 1/7 and column end greater that exsiting column it will add new one it's safe to use span 7 it will start from current and take 7 column
    • u can use 2 / span 4 to select start and how many column to take if column required is greater that exsisting element will go to next row
  • grid-area: [row start / row end / col start / col end]


Min, Max And Auto Fill minmax(minVal,maxVal) use with col and rows

auto-fill will auto fill element depend on avaliable space

search on ur own auto-fit


Matrix matrix(scaleX(),skewY(),skewX(),scaleY(),translateX(),translateY())

78 - 82

transform-style: preserve-3d;

We use this to make element save its postion in 3d

78 - 82

CSS Selectors

  • Element => [p, div, h2]

  • Element OtherElement => div p

  • .class-name

  • #id-name

  • .parent .child

  • .class-one.class-two

  • .class-name div, .class-name p

  • Element.class-name => p.class-name

  • .parent > .child => Direct Child

  • Element + Other Element => [div + p]

  • Element ~ Other Elements => [p ~ div]

  • [Attribute]

  • Element[Attribute]

  • [Attribute=Value]

  • Element[Attribute=Value] => input[type="submit"]

  • [Attribute~=Value] => Contains A Word

  • [Attribute*=Value] => Contains A Atring

  • [Attribute^=Value] => Start With A String

  • :first-child

  • :last-child

  • :first-of-type

  • :last-of-type

  • :only-child

  • :not(Selectors)

  • :nth-child(n)

  • :nth-last-child(n)

  • :nth-of-type(n)

  • :nth-last-of-type(n)

  • :root

  • :checked

  • :empty

  • :disabled

  • :required

  • :focus

  • ::selection

  • ::placeholder


@media (min-width: ){


Mobile max-width: 767px

small screens min-width: 768px

meduim screens min-width: 992px

Large screens min-width: 1200px


CSS Global Values

  • inherit
  • initial
  • unset --- If Inherit => inherit --- If Not => initial
  • revert CSS Level [4]
  • all


CSS course from Elzero web school






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