A Menu that:
- Can be opened and closed using E in a clothing shop
- lets you choose from every working model
- lets you fully customise models
- Loads/Saves models to a textfile
Version 3
- Rebuilt from the ground up
- New UI Modified version of @MrDaGree 's menu
- A lot easier for players to use
- Freemode and Ped customisation
- Lipstick, Facial Hair etc
- Saves to a text file (i will add async option)
- Users get a random ped model on first spawn
- Auto saves models
- Has all clothing items and accessories
Screenshots https://prnt.sc/gvbq6l http://prntscr.com/gvbq9p http://prntscr.com/gvbqng http://prntscr.com/gvbqgk
If you have modified it and it stopped working, don't come to me for help.