Welcome to the MERN Stack Ecommerce Project! This ongoing project utilizes the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) to create a full-fledged ecommerce application with various features. The project includes a login/signup page, homepage, products page, FAQ page, events page, search functionality, category-based product filtering, a best deals section, and more
- React
- Tailwind CSS
- Daisy UI (as a component library)
- Axios (for data fetching)
- Axios interceptors (for handling requests)
- React Icons (for icons)
- Framer Motion (for animations)
- React Router (for routing)
- Formik and Yup (for form handling and validation)
- Redux Toolkit (for state management)
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
The project structure follows a standard MERN stack architecture. Here's an overview of the main components and directories:
Login/Signup Page:
Users can create a new account or login with existing credentials.
Displays featured products, promotions, and best deals.
Provides navigation to different sections of the website.
Products Page:
Lists all products available for purchase.
Allows users to filter products by category.
Provides search functionality to find specific products.
- Displays frequently asked questions and their answers.
- Showcases upcoming events, sales, or promotions.
- Highlights the best deals and discounts available on products.