Telegrambot with daily messages and commands to get information, like train-timetable, weather, and news. It also enables making simple reminders. Now also supports ruuvi-tags bluetooth beacons to read temperature-, humidity- and pressure-data.
example command can be found by typing in chat where the bot is running by /help
(Timestamps in these telegram photos are in different time zone, than the actual bot.)
VR train timetable from point A to point B.
weather data
heads or tails
Telegrambot API:
Telegraf.js API:
Movies coming from TV, API from leffatykki:
Sunrise sunset:
Train data traffic in Finland:
Yle news:
ruuvitag sensor for ruuvitags via python-shell:
python-shell - for using python scripts
xml2json - parsing xml to json
commander - command arguments
telegraf - telegrambot framework
- Set all api keys that are needed in the "settings_template.json".
- Add also your bot token keys for testing bot and production, can be same if you don't mind same bot being in production.
- Rename "settings_template".json as "settings.json".
watson for speach recognition, you need api username and password for this.
openweathermap for weather API, free one is enough.
giphy api for gifs
in main folder of the telegrambot run in terminal:
npm install
setup your cahtId of the for the bot in your settings.json to testChatId and if you want to use same for production then there too.
running locally from console:
npm start
or production bot by:
npm run productiontbot
running node script in background with forever.js:
npm run foreverbot
stopping bot
npm run stopbot
listing of running forever-scipts:
forever list
You need to install forever npm package globally:
npm install -g forever
You need to run bot_cronjob.js from crontab.
Example: open crontab in console, check the crontab_template.txt for example.
crontab -e
and add morning message for monday (# m h dom mon dow command) dow = day of the week starts from sunday.
00 7 * * 1 cd ~/git/telegrambot/ && node bot_cronjob.js --morning
testing bot_cronjob messages.
node bot_cronjob.js --morning
node bot_cronjob.js --evening
node bot_cronjob.js --friday
node bot_cronjob.js --weekend
node bot_cronjob.js --diskspace
Sends messages to production chat, without it goes to test chat.
Shows message tailored for specific time of day.
Some functions don't work:
Check you have all the variables filled in settings.json
Check out errors in console log. run locally.
run for testing cronjob bot for daily messages work.