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Nexus Setup

Getting Started

The hack/ directory includes tooling to setup and configure a local Nexus instance using docker. Use nexus-create to create a new Nexus instance. By default it creates the nexus-data volume and nexus container. (Although nexus-create uses docker, it should be straight-forward to switch it to podman if desired. See the notes below about using podman.)

$ ./hack/nexus-create
initializing volume: nexus-data
changed ownership of '/nexus-data/etc/' to 200:200
changed ownership of '/nexus-data/etc' to 200:200
changed ownership of '/nexus-data' to 200:200
mode of '/nexus-data' changed to 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)
mode of '/nexus-data/etc' changed to 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)
mode of '/nexus-data/etc/' changed to 0644 (rw-r--r--)

Use nexus-init to configure Nexus and setup blobstores and repositories. By default it deploys an online configuration where repositories are proxied to upstream remotes. Modify nexus-init to meet your needs. The NEXUS_URL environment variable controls which Nexus instance is initialized; it defaults to http://admin:admin123@localhost:8081.

$ ./hack/nexus-init
+ nexus-ready
+ set -e
++ dirname ./hack/nexus-init
+ nexus-upload-script ./hack/../groovy/setup_anonymous_access.groovy ./hack/../groovy/setup_capability.groovy
uploading script: setup_anonymous_access...204 OK
uploading script: setup_capability...204 OK
+ nexus-enable-anonymous-access
Enable annonymous access...{
  "name" : "setup_anonymous_access",
  "result" : "OrientAnonymousConfiguration{enabled=true, userId='anonymous', realmName='NexusAuthorizingRealm'}"
}200 OK
+ nexus-remove-default-repos
Removing repository nuget-group...204 OK
Removing repository maven-snapshots...204 OK
Removing repository maven-central...204 OK
Removing repository OK
Removing repository maven-releases...204 OK
Removing repository nuget-hosted...204 OK
Removing repository maven-public...204 OK
+ nexus-enable-docker-realm
Enable Docker security realm...204 OK
+ nexus-enable-rut-auth
Enable Rut Auth...{
  "name" : "setup_capability",
  "result" : "null"
}200 OK
++ dirname ./hack/nexus-init
+ rm -rf /var/folders/8n/f3m713z530s55v0972gcs_n4006fd2/T/tmp.xyoEBq0h

Open http://localhost:8081 and sign in with username admin and password admin123 to manage repositories. Use client tools to interact with repositories. For example, use skopeo to pull an image through the registry proxy and push it to the local-registry:

$ skopeo copy \
  --src-tls-verify=false \
  --dest-tls-verify=false \
  --dest-creds admin:admin123 \
  docker://localhost:5000/baseos/busybox:1 \
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 0669b0daf1fb done  
Copying config 12dab88b16 done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

To cleanup and delete the nexus container and nexus-data volume:

$ ./hack/nexus-delete
removed container: nexus
removed volume: nexus-data

Using podman

Podman >= 1.8.0 is required for running sonatype/nexus3:3.25.0. It is available in the SLE 15sp1 updates repository, e.g.,

ncn-w001:~ # zypper ar -cf -G sles-15sp1-updates
ncn-w001:~ # zypper ref
ncn-w001:~ # zypper install podman
ncn-w001:~ # podman version
Version:            1.8.0
RemoteAPI Version:  1
Go Version:         go1.12.12
OS/Arch:            linux/amd64

Mounting Nexus data volume

When mounting Nexus' data volume, be sure to use the exec flag, e.g. podman run --volume nexus-data:/nexus-data:rw,exec, otherwise Nexus will not start.