FlutterTagger is a Flutter package that allows for the extension of TextFields to provide tagging capabilities. A typical use case is in social apps where user mentions and hashtags features are desired.
In the pubspec.yaml
of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
fluttertagger: ^2.3.1
import 'package:fluttertagger/fluttertagger.dart';
controller: flutterTaggerController,
onSearch: (query, triggerCharacter) {
//perform search
//characters that can trigger a search and the styles
//to be applied to their tagged results in the TextField
triggerCharacterAndStyles: const {
'@': TextStyle(color: Colors.pinkAccent),
'#': TextStyle(color: Colors.blueAccent),
//this will cause the onSearch callback to be invoked
//immediately a trigger character is detected.
//The default behaviour defers the onSearch invocation
//until a searchable character has been entered after
//the trigger character.
triggerStrategy: TriggerStrategy.eager,
overlay: SearchResultView(),
builder: (context, textFieldKey) {
//return a TextField and pass it `textFieldKey`
return TextField(
key: textFieldKey,
controller: flutterTaggerController,
suffix: IconButton(
onPressed: () {
//get formatted text from controller
final text = flutterTaggerController.formattedText;
//perform send action...
icon: const Icon(
color: Colors.redAccent,
Here's how trigger a search by updating the controller directly instead of typing into a keyboard:
controller: flutterTaggerController,
onSearch: (query, triggerCharacter) {
//perform search
//characters that can trigger a search and the styles
//to be applied to their tagged results in the TextField
triggerCharacterAndStyles: const {
'@': TextStyle(color: Colors.pinkAccent),
'#': TextStyle(color: Colors.blueAccent),
overlay: SearchResultView(),
builder: (context, textFieldKey) {
// return a TextField and pass it `textFieldKey`
return TextField(
key: textFieldKey,
controller: flutterTaggerController,
suffix: IconButton(
onPressed: () {
// get formatted text from controller
String text = flutterTaggerController.formattedText;
// append a trigger character to activate the search context
flutterTaggerController.text = text += '#';
// update text selection
flutterTaggerController.selection = TextSelection.fromPosition(
TextPosition(offset: flutterTaggerController.text.length),
// append other characters to trigger search
flutterTaggerController.text = text += 'f';
// update text selection
flutterTaggerController.selection = TextSelection.fromPosition(
TextPosition(offset: flutterTaggerController.text.length),
// then call formatTags on the controller to preserve formatting
icon: const Icon(
color: Colors.redAccent,
Explore detailed example demo here.
Feel free to contribute to this project.
If you find a bug or want a feature, but don't know how to fix/implement it, please fill an issue.
If you fixed a bug or implemented a feature, please send a pull request.