Proof of Concept for a 2d camera that loops infinitely regardless of map size and aspect ratio
- Adjust for aspect ratio change mid-scene
- Consolidate to one management script or a prefab
- Add a swipe controlled Dolly
- Add a 'sway' factor to lag behind camera rig's momentum
- Main Camera
- TrailCamera
- SceneLeftRoot !!y=0!!
- Map background
- SceneRightRoot !!y=0!!
- <All GameObjects to exist "on" the map>
Attached to the Main Camera. This script:
- Identifies the map length by the distance between SceneLeftRoot and SceneRightRoot
- Keeps the TrailCamera a set distance away from the primary camera
- Jumps the main camera to the rightmost and leftmost boundaries when needed
Attached to the SceneLeftRoot object. This script:
- OnStart() Adjusts the SceneLeftRoot position to be the starting leftmost position on Camera
Purpose: By dynamically positioning the root onStart(), we account for all aspect ratios
Attached to the Main Camera for no particular reason. Just needs access to calculate or ask for Map Length. This script:
- Has a "SpinningRoot" game object that you give it
- Will rotate assigned object based on current camera position:
- Starting position is 0° rotation
- Quarterway through the map is 90° rotation
- Halfway point is 180° rotation
- etc
This is just a Proof on concept project, sharing if it helps anyone. See the license file for license rights and limitations (MIT).