A test executor for vim.
This plugin works as a virtual judge, it is given test cases so that it reviews which are correct and which are not.
This plugin has better integration with dotfile nvim.
- vim-plug
Plug 'Cris-lml007/test.vim'
Execute :call TestViCompiler()
for compiler the judge.
For use the judge your must have an file NameProgram.test
with next syntax:
1 2
3 -2
5 5
~~ All of the above are inputs for the program to test, the symbols ~~ means end of inputs.
~# All of the above are outputs expected by the program, the symbols ~# means end of #{1,2,3..n} outputs.
~# Each of these represent a test case, for n input lines there must be n expected outputs (~#).
Execute :TestVi
for tesing cases.
java | yes |
javascript | yes |
C++ | yes |
pascal | yes |
python | yes |
bashscript | yes |
dotnet | beta |
Support all languages compiled or that can executed with ./program
and receive an input by echo 'inputs' | ./program