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Releases: Cristian-Sknz/Paladins-Wrapper

2022.0221.0 - Multiple API Instances

21 Feb 19:43
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This project is still working properly and without issues, but needs a full code update. It's been over a year since I started to develop it, and with that there are some practices and methods that don't meet the best practices in the code. I do not intend to make this update to the project, as it is working and it would take a lot of work to redo this code, my motivation for this project is not the same as when I started to develop it.

2021.0417.3 - SSL Update

17 May 22:07
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API versions before that will no longer work.

2021.0417.2 - Feature and bug fix

19 Apr 21:25
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[fix] Campos #championId e #language estavam nulos.

2021.0417.0 - SLF4J-API

18 Apr 03:30
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[feature] Implementado SFL4J-API como Logger

- Foram corrigido alguns métodos e documentação.
- Adicionado como alternativa caso não encontre a classe StaticLoggerBinder

2021.0313.1 - Bug fixing

17 Mar 12:21
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[feature/fix] Correções de bugs e adicionados métodos que estavam aus…

2021.0313.0 - Major Update Release

13 Mar 11:33
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[refactor/update] Atualizado código e novo EndPoint (Major Update)

- Varias classes foram refeitas, e algumas outras teve seu código atualizado.
- Gson atualizado.
- Trocado HttpRequester para OkHttpClient
- Novo sistema de request
- Novo endpoint para BountyStore (getBountyItems)


06 Feb 20:29
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[fix] Alterado expressão lambda (não é possível usar esse lambda no j…

PaladinsWrapper - 2.0.2

09 Dec 20:50
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[fix] Resolvido NullPointerException que ocorria em Champions

Ao solicitar champions pela segunda vez, ele disparava o Exception, pois o Language não estava setado em

PaladinsWrapper - 2.0.1

02 Dec 13:12
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[feature] aplicado mais métodos toString

Beta Version - V1.3.1

24 Oct 15:12
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[fix] Valor incorreto em getAvatarId()

Estava pegando o objeto errado no Json, ActiveId ao invez de AvatarId