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A decryption/decoding/cracking tool using various modules.

To use it, you need to have basic knowledge of cryptography.

Table of Contents

🔨 Installation Guide

We recommend you to install cryptosploit in a python virtual environment, but you can also install cryptosploit on the main system.

With python virtual environment

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install git+ --upgrade

On main system

Alternatively, you can install cryptosploit without sudo and modify your $PATH.

pip install git+ --upgrade
echo "export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

🤔 What is this?

Cryptosploit is a new module-based cryptographic tool, it designed to become a tool for automating a lot of routine work with various scripts. You can use it to solve different cryptographic tasks.

In fact, it is a large library of tools. You don't need a directory with gigabytes of cryptographic tools. You mustn't keep in mind all the flags and modes in the cli tools anymore. Cryptosploit will do it for you :З

🏃‍♀️ Running Cryptosploit

Very simple way of usage:

gif image

Read more about any command

crsconsole> help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
cd  exit  get  help  run  search  set  shell  unset  use

crsconsole> help search

        Search modules by keyword.
        Example: search rot

You can search modules by regular expressions

crsconsole> search hash
[>] Founded:

Then just type use founded.module

crsconsole> use hashes.cracker
[>] Module loaded successfully

Get and set module variables

crsconsole (hashes.cracker)> get
│ Name               │ Value   │ Description                                      │
│ default_cracker    │ hashcat │ Default program to crack hashes (hashcat/john).  │
│                    │         │  You must install one of these tools.            │
│ mode               │ help    │ Operation mode. May be crack/help/advanced.      │
│                    │         │ Just type run. Advanced users can                │
│                    │         │ pass all the arguments in extra_flags            │
│ hash_file          │         │ Path to file with hash.                          │
│ wordlist           │         │ Path to wordlist.                                │
│                    │         │ For example, '/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt'  │
│ identify_hash_type │ true    │ We will try to identify hash type                │
│                    │         │ and pass most possible type in hash_mode         │
│                    │         │ use 'run' again to try next possible type        │
│ hash_mode          │         │ Mode of your hash for you program.               │
│                    │         │ For example, '0' (like in hashcat)               │
│ extra_flags        │         │ Add your own flags.                              │
│                    │         │ For example, '--save-memory=1 --fork=10'         │
│ path_to_binary     │         │ Specify the path to your program.                │
│                    │         │ For example, '/usr/bin/hashcat'                  │
│                    │         │ Must contain hashcat/john                        │
crsconsole (hashes.cracker)> set mode advanced
[>] Setting mode -> advanced
crsconsole (hashes.cracker)> set extra_flags -a 3 -m 0 hash_to_crack ?a?a?a?a?a?a
[>] Setting extra_flags -> -a 3 -m 0 hash_to_crack ?a?a?a?a?a?a

Type run to execute module functionality

crsconsole (hashes.cracker)> run

💻 Modules

As you have already read, this tool is module-based, that's why it is still in development. We want to extend our module's database.

Anybody can write their own module in any programming language and add it to cryptosploit using a very simple and convenient API in python. Visit our modules github wiki to get details about module writing.


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