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Your dotfiles will most likely be the longest project you ever work on.

Using version control systems to manage my dotfiles ensures that every computer's configuration is ready to use out of the box.

Neovim's configurations is based on windows, maybe you should modify some configurations to make it suitable for Linux.

What is inside ?

  • Bash

    • General settings

      • Append to the history file, don't overwrite it
      • Check the window size after each command and update LINES and COLUMNS
    • History settings

      • Don't put duplicate lines or lines starting with space in the history
      • History size: 1000
      • History file size: 2000
    • Prompt settings

      • Fancy prompt with color support if the terminal has the capability
    • Terminal title

      • If this is an xterm, set the title to user@host:dir
    • Color support for commands

      • Enable color support of ls and add handy aliases
      • Aliases:
        • ls with color: ls --color=auto
        • ll: ls -alF
        • la: ls -A
        • l: ls -CF
        • grep with color: grep --color=auto
        • fgrep with color: fgrep --color=auto
        • egrep with color: egrep --color=auto
    • Alert for long running commands

      • alert: Notify when a long-running command finishes
    • Aliases file

      • If ~/.bash_aliases exists, source it
    • Programmable completion features

      • Enable programmable completion if available
  • Tmux

    • Prefix Key

      • Remap prefix from C-b to C-a
    • Pane Splitting

      • Split panes horizontally with |
      • Split panes vertically with -
      • Unbind default pane splitting keys (" and %)
    • Reload Config

      • Bind r to reload the tmux configuration file
    • Pane Navigation

      • Switch panes using Alt + Arrow without prefix
    • Mouse Mode

      • Enable mouse mode (tmux 2.1 and above)
    • Window Renaming

      • Disable automatic renaming of windows
  • Neovim


Crzax's dotfiles






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