In this work, we test the ability of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained on a specific environmental condition to localize the Direction Of Arrival (DOA) of a sound source in different settings from the training ones. To this end, we generated 3 datasets via simulation techniques that address different acoustic parameters: room volume, microphone array position in the room and distance of the source.
RIRgenerator: ehabets/RIR-Generator: Generating room impulse responses (
Model for resolution 30°:
Model for resolution 10°:
Upload in your Drive all the DATASETS and both the models;
Save a copy of both notebooks in your Drive
In each of your notebook change the paths accordingly, in order to find the files in your Drive
Run "Various_Room_Tests.ipynb" to check the performance of the CNN
Use "Neural_Net_Training.ipynb", to modify the CNN and save new models to test out with "Various_Room_Tests.ipynb"
Download "dataset_gen_livescript.mlx" if you are interested in creating new datasets
The Matlab script and the two notebooks are based on the paper Deep learning assisted sound source localiztion using two orthogonal first-order differential microphone arrays [Nian Liu, Huawei Chen, Kunkun Songgong, et al].
dataset_gen_livescript.mlx generates the dataset for training a Neural Net able to performe source localization. We used rir-generator to simulate the room acoustics.
The script has the following structure:
Room simulation Parameters -> Initialization of all the parameters used to simulate the room acoustics;
Train dataset generation -> To generate the dataset for the training, first we randomly select 300 sentences from the TIMIT/TRAIN dataset. And since we want to reach a dataset size of 6000 datapoints, we locate 1 sentence in 30 different DOAs;
Validation dataset generation -> Procedure as above, but since we consider 100 sentences, associated to 10 DOAs, we reach a dataset of size 1000
Test dataset generation -> We randomly select 10 sentences
Test dataset for resolution 10° -> reaches a size of 360,
Test dataset for resolution 30° -> reaches a size of 120;
Custom tests -> we generate the datasets for testing the generalization abilities of the NN
Receiver position -> we move the experimental strumentation from the center of the room at mid height to top-right corner at floor height,
Source distance -> we move radially the sources starting from near positions from the microphones' center to far positions,
Room volume -> we mantain the shape of the room while increasing linearly the three dimensions.
Neural_Net_Training.ipynb is subdivided into 4 sections:
- Imports and auxiliary functions where we import libraries and define the core functions for feature extraction
- Feature extraction and data exploration where we plot and play some simulated examples together with the SI features
- Training where we show the learning curves
- Testing where we evaluated the models' performances
PLEASE NOTE: The actual training of the neural networks has been performed on a local machine with a GPU. In this Colab we uploaded the training output for easy consultation of the loss and accuracy curves
In Various_Room_Tests.ipynb we explore the generalization properties of the NNs by testing their ability to adapt to the following conditions:
- Room volume: changing room volume while mantaining the same shape
- Source distance: changing the distance (radially) of the sources from the microphones
- Receiver position: changing the receivers' position by moving it from the center of the room to the top-right corner, near the floor
A detailed description of our work can be found here
Affatato Giovanni:
Alessandri Roberto: