Using the development board above, this code reads the voltage on the ADC channel of the pic16f877a (pin RE1) and transmits a value between 0 and 100 using the ESP8266 module (via wifi) to update a Thingspeak graph. N.B. for pics of the breadboard, please look at the issues (on the right) N.B. Please note, the following components are required:
- Pic 16f877a (programmed with the code here)
- 4Mhz crystal
- 2 X 22pf capacitors (Cap 1 and Cap 2) - any ceramic will do
- Small pushbutton switch (for reset)
- 5V Power supply with wires to connect 5v and ground to breadboard.
- 3.3 volt regulator (TS1086)
- ESP8266 module (Version 1 was used)
- Breadboard (Small breadboard with one side having a power strip - Maplin A101)
- 1k and 2.2k resistors (to divide voltage from 5v to 3.3v for the RX line of the ESP8266)
- 10K resistor - To tie PIC pin 1 to 5V
- Potentiometer (10K lin) - to supply varying voltage to ADC channel
- Jumper wires
The connections betwwen the various devices are:
- pic RC6(TX) -> Resistor divider top (1K)
- pic RC7(RX) -> ESP8266 TX pin
- pic Ground -> ESP8266 Ground
- pic RE1 -> Potentiometer pin 2 (wiper)
- pin 1 -> push button pin 1 and 10K resistor left
- pin 11 -> 5V power supply
- pin 12 -> Ground
- pin 13 -> 4 Mhz crystal left and Cap 1 right (22pf)
- pin 14 -> 4 Mhz crystal right and Cap 2 right (22pf)
- Cap 1 left (22pf) -> Ground
- Cap 1 right (22pf) -> 4 MHz crystal left and PIC pin 13
- Cap 2 left (22pf) -> Ground
- Cap 2 right (22pf) -> 4 MHz crystal right and PIC pin 14
Push button
- pin 1 -> PIC pin 1 and 10K resistor left
- pin 2 -> Ground
10K resistor
- Left -> PIC pin 1 and push button pin 1
- Right -> 5V
- pin 1 -> 5V
- pin 2 -> PIC RE1
- pin 3 -> Ground
Resistor divider
- Resistor divider top (1K) -> pic RC6 (TX)
- Resistor divider middle -> ESP8266 RX pin
- Resistor divider bottom (2.2K) -> ESP8266 ground
TS1086 (3.3V regulator)
- TS1086 pin1 (grond) -> Power supply 0V
- TS1086 pin2 (3.3V out) -> ESP8266 (3.3V Vcc)
- TS1086 pin3 (5V in) -> Power supply 5V (Also powers pic)
- pin GND -> pic ground
- pin Vcc -> TS1086 pin 2 (3.3V)
- pin RX -> Resistor divider middle
- pin TX -> pic RC7(RX)
- pin CH_PD -> TS1086 pin 2 (3.3V)
N.B. You also need to set up a thingspeak account, so that you can store the values generated by the pic.