Template for your website Discord bot.
This template allows you to make a dynamic web page for your Discord bot!
All you have to do is change the values to your own.
Example: [BOT_NAME] to Wyno
Simply replace the information with yours in the config.php file.
// Configurations for your project
// Database connection information
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // Database host (usually 'localhost')
define('DB_USER', 'root'); // Database username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); // Database password
define('DB_NAME', 'bot_database'); // Database name
// Discord bot token (replace with the real token)
// Discord API URL to get bot guilds
define('DISCORD_API_URL', 'https://discord.com/api/v10/users/@me/guilds');
// Other global configurations
define('SITE_NAME', 'BOT_NAME');
define('SITE_URL', 'WEBSITE_URL');
define('DISCORD_CLIENT_ID', 'BOT_ID'); // Replace with your customer ID
define('DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET', 'SECRET_TOKEN_BOT'); // Replace with your secret shopper
define('DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI', 'http://localhost/callback.php'); // Redirect URL
define('DISCORD_API_URL_A', 'https://discord.com/api');