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A powerfull Bukkit framework which makes coding with Bukkit way less painfull


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CFW - CuukyFrameWork

A powerful bukkit framework that runs on 1.7+ and makes coding with bukkit less painful

Dear developers

In the following I will show you the advantages of using my FrameWork and how much work it can save. I love feedback and suggestions to improve my framework, but please, leave the coding to me. I won't accept any pull requests. This framework has been updated very frequently over the last weeks, it has some new sweet features like a serializer (and more) but I'm too lazy to log that here.

Why should I use it for my plugin?

CFW makes it much easier to make your plugin 1.7+ compatible by having following included:

  • A NetworkManager which contains following methods:
  - sendPacket(Packet packet) - Sends a packet
  - getPing() - Gets the ping of a player
  - respawnPlayer() - Respawns a player instantly without waiting for them to press the respawn button
  - getLocale() - Returns locale (language) 
  - sendLinkedMessage(String message, String link) - Sends a clickable chat message
  - sendTitle(String header, String footer) - Sends title header and footer
  - setnTablist(String header, String footer) (1.8+) - Sends tablist header and footer
  - sendActionbar(String message) (1.8+) - Sends a string to the actionbar of the player
  - setAttributeSpeed(double value) (1.9+) - Sets (removes) the hit delay implemented in 1.9
  • VersionUtils which contain following:
  - getNmsClass() - returns Nms Class of you server version
  - getVersion() - returns your current BukkitVersion (containing .isHigherThan and more)
  - getServerSoftware() - returns Server Software type (containing hasForgeSupport etc.)

There are more utilities which will help you a lot while working with Bukkit included:

  • SuperInventory - Easily create clickable GUI's without much effort
  • ItemBuilder - Create ItemStacks with Enchantments, Lore, Displayname, Amount and Material in one line
  • Hooks:
    • ItemHooks - Hook items to the inventory of players to any interaction
    • ChatHooks - Hook to the chat the get the next chat output the player writes
  • Configuration:
    • A simple configuration handler (Will be improved)
    • PlaceHolderAPI to easily and efficient replace placeholders in messages
    • Language-System to let the Server-Admins create own language files for every language for your plugin
  • Clientadapter
    • Easily handle NameTags, Scoreboards and Tablist -Headers and -Footers
    • Following applies to CustomScoreboards, CustomNametags and CustomTablists:
      • Efficient replaced - if the nametag string didnt change for example, it won't send any new information to the client
      • Can be completely disabled
  • Serialization
    • The CFW provides a serialization tool for saving your objects into files
    • It is compatible with every obfuscator I know (Allatori, ProGuard) without changing the config
  • MySQL
    • There are mysql classes in the CFW to easily access databases asynchronously while using PreparedStatements
    • Also qeueing a MySQL-Qeuery returns an objects which you can synchronize and wait on, it will be notified if MySQL has returned the result

More coming soon!

How to use it?

Here's and example of how you intialize the CFW

The CFW just acts as a launcher for all the manager it provides, you can also just use the manager directly - but using the CFW class is recommendet

this.cuukyFrameWork = new CuukyFrameWork(this);
this.cuukyFrameWork.getClientAdapterManager().setBoardTypeEnabled(CustomBoardType.TABLIST, true);

A BoardUpdateHandler contains following methods

	public ArrayList<String> getTablistHeader();
	public ArrayList<String> getTablistFooter();

	public String getScoreboardTitle();
	public ArrayList<String> getScoreboardEntries();
	public boolean showHeartsBelowName();

	public String getNametagName();
	public String getNametagPrefix();
	public String getNametagSuffix();
	public boolean isNametagVisible(); 

How to hook an item to the hotbar (ItemBuilder example included)

instance.getCuukyFrameWork().getHookManager().registerHook(new ItemHook(player, new ItemBuilder().displayname("§bWähle dein Kit").material(Material.CHEST).build(), 0, new ItemHookHandler() {

	public void onInteractEntity(PlayerInteractEntityEvent event) {}

	public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
		if(event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR)

		new KitMenu(player);


	public void onEntityHit(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) {}

How to create a GUI

public class VoteMainMenu extends SuperInventory {

	public VoteMainMenu(Main instance, Player opener) {
		super("§5Vote", opener, 18, true);

		this.setModifier = false;

	public boolean onBackClick() {
		return false;

	public void onClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {}

	public void onClose(InventoryCloseEvent event) {}

	public void onInventoryAction(PageAction action) {}

	public boolean onOpen() {
		linkItemTo(12, new ItemBuilder().displayname("§eChests").itemstack(new ItemStack(Material.CHEST)).build(), new Runnable() {

			public void run() {
				new ChestVoteMenu(opener);

		linkItemTo(14, new ItemBuilder().displayname("§6Loot").itemstack(new ItemStack(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE)).build(), new Runnable() {

			public void run() {
				new LootVoteMenu(opener);
		return true;

How to check the server version


How to check a player's version (requires ProtocolSupport or ViaVersion)

public void onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
	System.out.println(event.getPlayer().getName() + " joined using " + MinecraftVersion.getMinecraftVersion(event.getPlayer()).getName());

There is much more to use, but this is the most important stuff

Have fun using it and thanks for reading


A powerfull Bukkit framework which makes coding with Bukkit way less painfull







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