In the following I will show you the advantages of using my FrameWork and how much work it can save. I love feedback and suggestions to improve my framework, but please, leave the coding to me. I won't accept any pull requests. This framework has been updated very frequently over the last weeks, it has some new sweet features like a serializer (and more) but I'm too lazy to log that here.
- A NetworkManager which contains following methods:
- sendPacket(Packet packet) - Sends a packet
- getPing() - Gets the ping of a player
- respawnPlayer() - Respawns a player instantly without waiting for them to press the respawn button
- getLocale() - Returns locale (language)
- sendLinkedMessage(String message, String link) - Sends a clickable chat message
- sendTitle(String header, String footer) - Sends title header and footer
- setnTablist(String header, String footer) (1.8+) - Sends tablist header and footer
- sendActionbar(String message) (1.8+) - Sends a string to the actionbar of the player
- setAttributeSpeed(double value) (1.9+) - Sets (removes) the hit delay implemented in 1.9
- VersionUtils which contain following:
- getNmsClass() - returns Nms Class of you server version
- getVersion() - returns your current BukkitVersion (containing .isHigherThan and more)
- getServerSoftware() - returns Server Software type (containing hasForgeSupport etc.)
- SuperInventory - Easily create clickable GUI's without much effort
- ItemBuilder - Create ItemStacks with Enchantments, Lore, Displayname, Amount and Material in one line
- Hooks:
- ItemHooks - Hook items to the inventory of players to any interaction
- ChatHooks - Hook to the chat the get the next chat output the player writes
- Configuration:
- A simple configuration handler (Will be improved)
- PlaceHolderAPI to easily and efficient replace placeholders in messages
- Language-System to let the Server-Admins create own language files for every language for your plugin
- Clientadapter
- Easily handle NameTags, Scoreboards and Tablist -Headers and -Footers
- Following applies to CustomScoreboards, CustomNametags and CustomTablists:
- Efficient replaced - if the nametag string didnt change for example, it won't send any new information to the client
- Can be completely disabled
- Serialization
- The CFW provides a serialization tool for saving your objects into files
- It is compatible with every obfuscator I know (Allatori, ProGuard) without changing the config
- There are mysql classes in the CFW to easily access databases asynchronously while using PreparedStatements
- Also qeueing a MySQL-Qeuery returns an objects which you can synchronize and wait on, it will be notified if MySQL has returned the result
More coming soon!
The CFW just acts as a launcher for all the manager it provides, you can also just use the manager directly - but using the CFW class is recommendet
this.cuukyFrameWork = new CuukyFrameWork(this);
this.cuukyFrameWork.getClientAdapterManager().setBoardTypeEnabled(CustomBoardType.TABLIST, true);
public ArrayList<String> getTablistHeader();
public ArrayList<String> getTablistFooter();
public String getScoreboardTitle();
public ArrayList<String> getScoreboardEntries();
public boolean showHeartsBelowName();
public String getNametagName();
public String getNametagPrefix();
public String getNametagSuffix();
public boolean isNametagVisible();
instance.getCuukyFrameWork().getHookManager().registerHook(new ItemHook(player, new ItemBuilder().displayname("§bWähle dein Kit").material(Material.CHEST).build(), 0, new ItemHookHandler() {
public void onInteractEntity(PlayerInteractEntityEvent event) {}
public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
if(event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR)
new KitMenu(player);
public void onEntityHit(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) {}
public class VoteMainMenu extends SuperInventory {
public VoteMainMenu(Main instance, Player opener) {
super("§5Vote", opener, 18, true);
this.setModifier = false;
public boolean onBackClick() {
return false;
public void onClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {}
public void onClose(InventoryCloseEvent event) {}
public void onInventoryAction(PageAction action) {}
public boolean onOpen() {
linkItemTo(12, new ItemBuilder().displayname("§eChests").itemstack(new ItemStack(Material.CHEST)).build(), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new ChestVoteMenu(opener);
linkItemTo(14, new ItemBuilder().displayname("§6Loot").itemstack(new ItemStack(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE)).build(), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new LootVoteMenu(opener);
return true;
public void onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
System.out.println(event.getPlayer().getName() + " joined using " + MinecraftVersion.getMinecraftVersion(event.getPlayer()).getName());
There is much more to use, but this is the most important stuff