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#websocketdBro ####A wobsocketd broadcaster based on AMQ and websocketd.

WebsocketdBro extends websocketd so that we can run only one instance of the script and broadcast the results to all the clients that connectto the websocketd server, an issue that attracted a lot of dicussion in websocketd's official repo. ##Installation If you are using raspbian(or any kind of debian system using arm architecture) simply run:

(asuming that pip and python are already installed)

Warning: if you have rabbitMQ already installed it would be better to setup manually, skiping the part that setups rabbitmq configuration(to avoid overwriting). ##Flags ###-m: Mode The first version of websocketdBro accepts two modes, "publisher" and "consumer".

###-e: Exchange Name (optional-default name: "default") The exchange name used to publish/consume messages. If you wish your publisher to publish to the example exchange and a conumer to consume from that you need to specify that name in both cases using the -e flag (-e exchange). If the "default" exchange is not used for any other purpose, then it is safe to omit the flag and they will both use the "default" exchange. (we do encourage you though to specify an echange explicitly for your app rather than usig default) ###Example Usage

    ./bro -m consumer -e example
    mypubscript | ./bro -m publisher -e example  

The first command will start the websockedBro consumer. In this phase you sould be able to connect to the websocketd server which will send a message to your websocket cient as soon as it receives a message from a publisher.

The second command is used to pipe the stdout of your script to the bro publisher so that you can see it in your browser connected to websocketd

###Working Example If you have mplayer installed you can run the ./startExample script which will show you the output of running mplayer in midori. I added that example for the sake of simplicity as that was what I was trying to achieve. In the future I will add more simple examples with less dependencies to get you started. If you don't have mplayer follow the instructhons and simply echo something to the publisher to test it :

eg. echo test | ./bro -m publisher -e example


A wobsocketd broadcaster based on AMQ and webocketd







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