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Nate Guagenti edited this page Nov 9, 2019 · 17 revisions


Kafka Ecosystem


Producers publish data to the topics of their choice. The producer is responsible for choosing which record to assign to which partition within the topic.

HELK currently accepts data sent to a few topics such as winlogbeat for Windows systems and filebeat for Linux or OSX systems. From a Windows perspective, it is common to have Winlogbeat (Log Shipper/Producer) installed on all the endpoints. However, it is recommended to use solutions such as Windows Event Forwarding (WEF) servers to collect and centralize your logs, and then have Winlogbeat or NXlog installed on them to ship the logs to your HELK Kafka broker.

When using Winlogbeat you can use the following config for reference that we host within this repository:

You can check the how-to section in this wiki to learn how to check if your winlogbeat log shipper is sending data to a Kafka broker.

Kafka Broker

HELK uses a kafka cluster conformed of 1 broker (Not really a cluster, but it is a good start to host it in a lab environment). If you add more brokers to the cluster, each broker would have it's own ID number and topic log partitions. Connecting to one broker bootstraps a client to the entire Kafka cluster.

The HELK broker has its own file. You can find it here. Some of the basic settings that you need to understand are the following:

Name Description Type Value The broker id for this server. If unset, a unique broker id will be generated. To avoid conflicts between zookeeper generated broker id's and user configured broker id's, generated broker ids start from + 1. int 1
listeners Listener List - Comma-separated list of URIs we will listen on and the listener names. Specify hostname as to bind to all interfaces. For the docker deployment, it is set to the kafka broker container name and used to communicate with other containers inside of the docker environment ONLY string PLAINTEXT://helk-kafka-broker:9092
advertised.listeners Listeners to publish to ZooKeeper for clients to use, if different than the listeners config property. In IaaS environments, this may need to be different from the interface to which the broker binds. For the docker deployment, this is the IP address of the machine hosting your docker containers. This will be ip address that your producers can talk to from outside of the docker environment. When Broker starts, the current value is updated automatically by the environment variable ADVERTISED_LISTENER string PLAINTEXT://HELKIP:9092
log.dirs The directories in which the log data is kept. If not set, the value in log.dir is used string /tmp/kafka-logs
auto.create.topics.enable Enable auto creation of topic on the server. This is disabled in HELK to avoid any producers creating new topics boolean false
log.retention.hours The minimum age of a log file to be eligible for deletion due to age int 4


Kafka needs ZooKeeper to work efficiently in the cluster. Kafka uses Zookeeper to do leadership election of Kafka Broker and Topic Partition pairs. Kafka uses Zookeeper to manage service discovery for Kafka Brokers that form the cluster. Zookeeper sends changes of the topology to Kafka, so each node in the cluster knows when a new broker joined, a Broker died, a topic was removed or a topic was added, etc. Zookeeper provides an in-sync view of Kafka Cluster configuration.

HELK Kafka Topics

Kafka automatically creates multiple topics:

topic Description
winlogbeat Main topic that stores raw event log data sent from endpoints with winlogbeat installed.
SYSMON_JOIN Topic that stores Windows Sysmon events that have been enriched by KSQL commands to join ProcessCreate (event 1) and NetworkConnect (event 3) by their ProcessGUID values.
winsysmon Topic used for Logstash to send transformed/parsed Windows Sysmon event data back.
winsecurity topic used for Logstash to send transformed/parsed Windows security event data back.
filebeat Topic that stores OSQuery data
zeek Topic that stores Zeek(formerly Bro) data

