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A Discord bot allowing users to interact with OpenAI's large-language models.

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A Discord bot allowing users to interact with OpenAI's large-language models.


This is a complete rewrite of my original discord-chatgpt bot, updated with better code quality, privacy, and features like split message responses and better conversational context.

Running the bot

  1. Download and install Node.js if you don't have it
  2. Clone (or download and unzip) the repository and cd into it with your terminal
  3. Run npm install
  4. Rename config-.json to config.json
    • This prevents your config from being overwritten should you update your bot.
  5. Generate an OpenAI API key and paste it in the credentials.openai_secret config field
    • Note: Using OpenAI's APIs isn't free. See their pricing for more info.
  6. Create a new Discord application
    1. Set its name, description (about me), and picture as you see fit
    2. Copy the Application ID and paste it in the credentials.discord_application_id config field
    3. Go to the "Bot" tab and create a new bot if it's not created already
    4. Copy the bot token and paste it in the credentials.discord_bot_token config field
    5. Scroll down and make sure "Message content intent" is enabled
  7. Set your Discord user ID in the bot.owner_id config field. Get this by turning on developer mode in settings and right-clicking on your profile.
  8. Make any other changes to the config file, then save it.
  9. Register the bot's slash and context menu commands by running node registerCommands.js
  10. Start the bot with node bot.js
    • Pro tip: Install PM2 and run the bot with pm2 start.
  11. Once the bot logs in, an invite URL will be logged. Open it and follow the instructions to add the bot to your server.
  12. Try it out by DMing or pinging the bot!


The bot can be configured by editing the config.json file, as you did during setup. All config options are as follows:

  • object credentials: Contains authentication settings
    • string openai_secret: Your OpenAI API key
    • string discord_bot_token: Your Discord bot's token
    • string discord_application_id: Your Discord application/client ID
  • object gpt: Contains language model settings
    • string model: One of OpenAI's models (specifically the newer GPT models)
    • number context_msg_count_max: The maximum number of messages above the prompt message to use as context.
    • number context_msg_count_min: The minimum number of messages above the prompt message to use as context, regardless of token usage.
    • array messages[]: A list of messages to be inserted at the beginning of every API request. Note that a system message containing the date and time, bot name, and other basic instructions is added automatically, placed after this set of messages.
      • string role: Set to system, assistant, or user. system messages can be used to influence the model's behavior and give it information, assistant messages are those sent by the model, and user messages are those sent by the user.
      • string content: The message's text content
    • object vision: Contains settings for Vision
      • boolean enabled: Set to true to allow supported models to process images.
      • boolean low_resolution: Set to true to use low detail mode.
      • number tokens_base: The number of tokens used by every image regardless of resolution. Update this value to match your model's specifications.
      • number tokens_per_tile: The number of tokens used by each tile_sizex tile of a high resolution image (after resizing). This doesn't apply when low_resolution is enabled. Update this value to match your model's specifications.
      • object resize: Contains short and long side dimensions to calculate final high-res image dimensions. Resizing happens remotely.
        • number short_side: The short side length
        • number long_side: The long side length
      • number tile_size: The length of one side of a high-res image tile.
  • object bot: Contains settings for the Discord bot
    • string owner_id: The Discord user ID of the bot maintainer (you, most likely). Only this user can use admin commands like /users.
    • object status: Contains settings for the bot's activity status
      • string type: Set to Playing, Watching, or Listening, determines the part in bold at the beginning of the status. Set to Custom to remove the prefix and use text to set the entire status.
      • string text: The text following the activity type. {messages_month} is replaced with the number of messages sent to the bot this month, and {messages_total} is replaced with the number of messages sent to the bot in total.
    • boolean split_responses: Determines whether or not model responses are split and sent by paragraph. When this is false, the model's response will be sent as a single message instead of several smaller messages. Responses will still be split if they exceed Discord's character limit.
    • number response_part_min_delay: The minimum number of milliseconds of delay that should exist between sending message parts. This will not impact the speed at which the response is generated, only how fast it's sent. Low numbers for this option might lead to the bot hitting rate limits, causing uneven and extended delays.
    • string embed_color: The accent color to use on slash command embeds. Should be in hexadecimal format, including the leading #, or a decimal number.
  • object messages: Contains settings for every user-facing message sent by the bot. These aren't be listed here. Use each key's name and existing value to determine its purpose.

User access control

As the owner, you're always allowed to use the bot, but other users can be allowed or blocked by you by using the /users commands or by editing the access.json file.

access.json contains the following properties:

  • boolean public_usage: When set to true, anyone except explicitly blocked users can use the bot. When set to false, only users explicitly allowed can use the bot.
  • object users: Contains a property for each user ID that has used the bot so far. When a user invokes the bot, they are automatically added to this list with a value of 0.
    • number <user_id>: This value can have one of three states: 1 explicitly allows the user, 0 means the user follows the public_usage setting, and -1 explicitly blocks the user.

Edits made to access.json are applied immediately. Ensure that the file is properly JSON-formatted before saving to avoid errors and crashes.

The /users commands are as follows:

  • /users allow <user>: Grants explicit usage access to a user.
  • /users block <user>: Explicitly blocks a user.
  • /users unlist <user>: "Unlists" a user so their access is determined by access.public_usage.
  • /users list: Lists users sorted into allowed, blocked, and unlisted categories.

Context management

Sometimes language models can produce unexpected or unwanted results. If this happens during a conversation, use the /contextbarrier command to ignore all previous messages. Replying to a message before the barrier will still include it as context, but otherwise context barriers give you a fresh start.


A Discord bot allowing users to interact with OpenAI's large-language models.




