CyberVarun config/dot files
If you don't want loose your previous configurations, then pls take backup of previous configurations.
Installing config files with stow
will create symlinks of files and directory of cloned repository. So if you delete the cloned repository the config files will no longer work. If you don't want to let this happen then simply copy paste the files & directory manually.
Debian, Ubuntu based etc.
sudo apt install stow -y
Fedora, RedHat based etc.
sudo dnf install stow -y
Arch, Manjaro based etc.
sudo pacman -S stow -y
To install execute
stow nvim
This will install the nvim configurations in ~/.config/nvim
To get familiar and understand keybindings you can watch this video.
Before installation you should install tpm
using following command.
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
To install execute
stow tmux
This will install the tmux configurations in ~/.config/tmux
& in user home directory ~/.tmux.conf
. If you are using arch based distro you can remove rm ~/.tmux.conf
or else remove rm -f ~/.config/tmux
for other distros like ubuntu & fedora etc. So there will be no conflict of duplicate files.
After this open tmux by following command.
Then install the themes and plugins by pressing [CTRL + a] + I
for understanding tmux keybindings you watch this video.
- powerlevel10k
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- fzf
- zoxide
- eza
- bat
- Meslo nerd font
If you are on Ubuntu download the latest version from github repository of tools.
To install execute.
stow zsh
Hyprland configuration for fedora.
- Hyprland
- Hyprpaper
- Hyprlock
- Hyprpanel
- Waybar
- Wofi
- Wlogout
- WezTerm
- Meslo nerd font
To install execute.
stow hypr wofi waybar wlogout
Hyperpanel configurations
Import the config in Hyperpanel customizations and themeing section.
Debian, Ubuntu based etc.
sudo apt install alacritty -y
Fedora, RedHat based etc.
sudo dnf install alacritty -y
Arch, Manjaro based etc.
sudo pacman -S alacritty -y
- Meslo nerd font
- Any terminal with
Install themes
cd ~/.config/alacritty
git clone themes
Custom theme - coolnight theme (default) - (optional)
curl --output ~/.config/alacritty/themes/themes/coolnight.toml
To install execute.
stow alacritty