This is information gathering tool for local system. It works on both Debian/Arch based linux distros. It will gather all information like kernel version, ID, CPU temprature, IP, connected storage devices and more of your system in just single click.
apt install lolcat neofetch
or you can use pip3 to install lolcat
pip3 install lolcat
make sure that you have root/sudo privileges while installing.
git clone
cd info
$ info -h
Info v0.0
Usage: info -options
-neo neofetch
-os Operating
-kn Kernal name
-kv Kernal version
-kr Kernal release
-mn Machine name
-P Processor
-H Hostname
-u User
-i User ID
-is Internal storage
-ius Internal used storage
-ias Internal available storage
-wi Wlan0 IP
-ei Ethernet IP (By default disabled)
-tp Temprature
-a All at once
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kali Linux