This project is no longer mantained as I do not have the required hardware to run and test. I am accepting pull requests from those that can and want to contribute.
Pwnagetty is a cli application written in NodeJS, to streamline the process of downloading handshakes from your Pwnagotchi, verify each PCAP file and convert them to the appropriate format (EAPOL or PMKID) ready for Hashcat cracking. All while keeping a log of converted files and BSSID's to eliminate duplicates in the future. Pwnagetty is currently in BETA.
Pwnagetty favors PMKID's and will try to convert this first. If a PMKID is found within a PCAP file, it will ignore the EAPOL as it's not needed. If no PMKID is found, it will then make use of the EAPOL instead. This is why you may end up with more PMKID files and less HCCAPX files.
Pwnagetty relies on the below. Make sure you have these installed before installing Pwnagetty.
NODEJS - (Built with NodeJS)
HCXPCAPNGTOOL - (To verify and convert PCAP's)
AIRCRACK-NG - (To extract BSSID's from PCAP's)
Choose a directory you'd like to save this in then run the below.
git clone
cd Pwnagetty
npm install
npm install -g
Edit the config to add your details inside of Pwnagetty/bin/index.js You'll likely only need to change the username, password and handshakeDir.
// SFTP Configuration - CHANGE THESE
const config = {
host: "", // Set your Pwnagotchi IP
username: "pi", // Set your SSH username
password: "raspberry", // Set your SSH password
handshakeDir: "/home/pi/handshakes/", // Set your handshake directory on the Pwnagotchi
port: 22,
localDir: "./pcap/",
database: path.join(__dirname, "./db.json"),
Connect your Pwnagotchi to your computer and wait for it to boot. Navigate to an empty local directory in terminal and just run:
Pwnagetty will then SFTP into your Pwnagotchi, create 3 local folders in your empty directory and do it's job.
You can use
pwnagetty -r
to remove Pwnagotchi captured files after processing
This was built for educational purposes. (I had fun learning about await/async). It goes without saying, do not use this tool against or with networks you do not have permission for. I am not liable for your actions.