PyrusGeom is a Python library for dealing with math and geometry in SS2D.
Use pip or build to install PyrusGeom.
x.x.x = release version
test pypi release:
pip install -i pyrusgeom==x.x.x
pypi release:
pip install pyrusgeom==x.x.x
download and use the released tar file:
python -m pip install pyrusgeom-x.x.x.tar.gz
or use the git repository
git clone
python -m build
python -m pip install dist/pyrusgeom-x.x.x.tar.gz
for importing you can use this options
import the desired class
from pyrusgeom.vector_2d import Vector2D # for Vector2D
from pyrusgeom.polygon_2d import Polygon2D # for Polygon2D
Or use a Wildcard import like
from pyrusgeom.soccer_math import *
from pyrusgeom.geom_2d import *
vec_1 = Vector2D() # create Vector with default value.
vec_2 = Vector2D(20,30) # create Vector with 20 , 30 value directly.
line_1 = Line2D(vec1,vec2) # create line from 2 points.
circle_1 = Circle2D(3,3,5) # create circle with center point and radius value.
print(circle_1.intersection(line_1)) # calculate the intersection with straight line.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
triangulation | delaunay_triangulation | composite_region_2d | voronoi_diagram | circluar import | remaining eq,hash,reverse | etc