Structure of arrays source generator to make CPU Cache and SIMD friendly data structure for high-performance code in .NET and Unity.
As described in Wikipedia AoS and SoA, standard C# array is array of structures(AoS), however the structure of arrays(SoA) is suitable for utilizing the CPU cache, which is faster than the main memory, and for ultra-fast parallel processing by SIMD. StructureOfArraysGenerator is inspired by Zig language's MultiArrayList
. See the great session A Practical Guide to Applying Data-Oriented Design that talked by Andrew Kelley who is the Zig language author.
Here is the simple Max .Y of Vector3(float X, float Y, float Z) array calculate result.
MultiArray is x2 faster and SIMD version(SoA is easy to write SIMD) is x10 faster.
StructureOfArraysGenerator actually generates not arrays, just a struct with a single byte[]
field and int
offsets of each fields to provide Span<T>
view, it minimizes memory and heap usage in C#. Source Generator generates Span<T>
property corresponding to each struct members so SoA structure can be realized with the same ease of use as a regular T[]
If you want to do aggregate operations to Span<T>
, you can use Cysharp/SimdLinq that easy to calculate faster SIMD way.
This library is distributed via NuGet.
PM> Install-Package StructureOfArraysGenerator
And also a code editor requires Roslyn 4.3.1 support, for example Visual Studio 2022 version 17.3, .NET SDK 6.0.401. For details, see the Roslyn Version Support document. For Unity, the requirements and installation process are completely different. See the Unity section for details.
Package provides only analyzer and generated code does not dependent any other libraries.
Make the readonly partial struct
type with [MultiArray]
using StructureOfArraysGenerator;
public readonly partial struct Vector3MultiArray
C# Source Generator recognize MultiArray
attribute and will generate code like below.
partial struct Vector3MultiArray
// constructor
public Vector3MultiArray(int length)
// Span<T> properties for Vector3 each fields
public Span<float> X => ...;
public Span<float> Y => ...;
public Span<float> Z => ...;
// indexer
public Vector3 this[int index] { get{} set{} }
// foreach
public Enumerator GetEnumerator()
You can use this array-like type like this.
var array = new Vector3MultiArray(4);
array.X[0] = 10;
array[1] = new Vector3(1.1f, 2.2f, 3.3f);
// multiply Y
foreach (ref var item in v.Y)
item *= 2;
// iterate Vector3
foreach (var item in array)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.X}, {item.Y}, {item.Z}");
StructureOfArraysGenerator has two attributes MultiArray and MultiArrayList, MultiArray
is like a T[]
, MultiArrayList
is like a List<T>
StructureOfArraysGenerator emits this internal attribute to referenced assembly.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
internal sealed class MultiArrayAttribute : Attribute
public MultiArrayAttribute(Type type, bool includeProperty = false)
public MultiArrayAttribute(Type type, params string[] members)
Default target members are public or internal field, if you want to include property, use [MultiArray(typeof(), includeProperty: true]
. params string[] members
overload can choose which member to create array member.
All target members are must be unmanaged type(struct which contains no reference types).
generates these methods.
// static methods
static int GetByteSize(int length)
static Vector3MultiArray Create(int length, ArraySegment<byte> arrayOffset)
// constructor
ctor(int length)
ctor(int length, ArraySegment<byte> arrayOffset)
// properties(length and target members Span<T> MemberName)
int Length => ...;
Span<T> ... => ...;
// indexer
T this[int index] { get{} set{} }
// methods
ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetRawSpan()
bool SequenceEqual(TMultiArray other)
IEnumerable<T> AsEnumerable()
// foreach
Enumerator GetEnumerator()
only allows readonly
struct so recommend to use in
to method for avoid copy.
void DoSomething(in Vector3MultiArray array)
is single byte[]
backed structure, if you use ctor(int length, ArraySegment<byte> arrayOffset)
with ArrayPool
, enable to avoid byte[]
// calculate bytesize of MultiArray
var byteSize = Vector3MultiArray.GetByteSize(length: 10);
var rentArray = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(byteSize);
// must need to zero clear before use in MultiArray
Array.Clear(rentArray, 0, byteSize);
// create ArrayPool byte[] backed MultiArray
var array = new Vector3MultiArray(10, rentArray);
// do something...
// return after used.
can use foreach
directly that can be iterated with zero-allocation via a special struct. However does not implements IEnumerable<T>
so can't use LINQ and can't pass to other , if you want to do so use AsEnumerable()
target struct supports immutable(readonly) struct.
public readonly struct Point2D
public readonly int X;
public readonly int Y;
public Point2D(int x, int y)
X = x;
Y = y;
public readonly partial struct Point2DMultiArray { }
Target struct's constructor is choosed most matched by name(case insensitive).
is single byte[]
backed data structure, GetRawSpan()
can get inner data directly. SequenceEqual
compares inner bytes so can check equality very fast.
In addition, Cysharp/MemoryPack enables fast serialization. Since MemoryPack is not supported by default, use the following helper class.
internal sealed class MultiArrayFormatter<T> : MemoryPackFormatter<T>
where T : struct, IMultiArray<T>
public override void Serialize<TBufferWriter>(ref MemoryPackWriter<TBufferWriter> writer, scoped ref T value)
public override void Deserialize(ref MemoryPackReader reader, scoped ref T value)
var length = reader.ReadUnmanaged<int>();
var array = reader.ReadUnmanagedArray<byte>();
value = T.Create(length, array!);
And register formatter in startup to each generated MultiArray
MemoryPackFormatterProvider.Register(new MultiArrayFormatter<Vector3MultiArray>());
is expandable MultiArray
like List<T>
. Annotate the MultiArrayListAttribute
at the same place with the MultiArrayAttribute
[MultiArray(typeof(Vector3), MultiArrayList)]
public readonly partial struct Vector3MultiArray
It generates ***MultiArrayList
class besides MultiArray
. You can use Add
method and does not need set capacity before use.
var list = new Vector3MultiArrayList();
list.Add(new Vector3());
var zeroX = list.X[0];
In default, generated class name is ***MultiArrayList
. You can configure name via (string typeName)
constructor parameter.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
internal sealed class MultiArrayListAttribute : Attribute
public MultiArrayListAttribute()
public MultiArrayListAttribute(string typeName)
has generate these methods.
// constructor
ctor(int capacity)
// properties(length and target members Span<T> MemberName)
int Length => ...;
Span<T> ... => ...;
// indexer
T this[int index] { get{} set{} }
// methods
void Add(T item)
void CopyTo(TMultiArray array)
TMultiArray ToArray()
IEnumerable<T> AsEnumerable()
// foreach
Enumerator GetEnumerator()
You can convert to MultiArray
by ToArray()
Install via UPM git URL package or asset package (StructureOfArraysGenerator...*.unitypackage) available in StructureOfArraysGenerator/releases page.
If you want to set a target version, StructureOfArraysGenerator uses the *.*.*
release tag, so you can specify a version like #1.0.0. For example
Minimum supported Unity version is 2021.3
. The dependency managed DLL System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe/6.0.0
is included with unitypackage. For git references, you will need to add them in another way as they are not included to avoid unnecessary dependencies; either extract the dll from unitypackage or download it from the NuGet page.
As with the .NET version, the code is generated by a code generator (StructureOfArraysGenerator.Generator.Roslyn3.dll
). For more information on Unity and Source Generator, please refer to the Unity documentation.
This library is licensed under the MIT License.