This repository contains the following jupyter notebooks:
- Merges all persons and households of the study area in two dataframes (df_persons_NE and df_households_NE),
- Generates a unique primary key for each table (persons (PID_AreaMSOA) and households (HID_AreaOA))
- Removes unnecessary persons (those that were not assigned to any households (HIP = (-1)) and those that are assigned to buildings that are not residential (QS420_CELL = -2) or education (QS420_CELL = 26).
- Removes unnecessary households (those buildings that are not residential (QS420_CELL = -2) or education (QS420_CELL = 26).
- Calculates the following columns:
- Total people in household: count the number of persons in each household
- Total children in household: count the number of children in each household
- Same ethnic: check if there are people with the same ethnicity
- Adult similar age: check if there are people within +- 10 years
- Children_dependency: Boolean value that tells if a person has a children dependency
- Marital_status: classifies each individual in married, couple or single based on their socio-demographic characteristics
- Calculates the attribute: driving licence (True / False)
- Calculates the attribute: Economic activity (Employed, Unemployed, Inactive) based on age, gender and OA area. Census 2011 data is projected to 2019 using Regional labour market statistics: HI01 Headline indicators for the North East
- Calculates the attribute: Occupation for employed and unemployed people only. This column classifies these people in 9 categories
- Calculates the attribute: Occupation for inactive people only. This column classifies these people in 5 categories: student, looking after family or home, sick, retired and other
- Calculates the attribute: Income for employed and unemployed people, based on their sex, age and occupation type
- Swap income values for employed and unemployed people. This is required because it was observed (outputs from SPENSER_notebook_7) that in general, people aged between 40-49 were earning more than expected, while people between 18-21, 22-29, 30-39, 50-59 and 60+ were earning less than expected
- Calculates the attribute: Bike access based on data from National Travel Survey.
- Calculates the attribute: Car access.
- Calculates the column: Income, for inactive people (students, retired, sick, looking after home or family, others)
- Merges previous generated outputs in one single dataframe
Additionally, there is a word file documenting each of the notebooks (e.g., what it does, dependencies and explanation of the main cells).