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Release tools for Projects

FOSSA Status


Via composer:

composer global require daltcore/release-tools

Via executable: Go to releases and add this executable to your $PATH environment.

Initialize ReleaseTools on current running repo. Creates .release-tools directory and .release-tool file.

release-tool init

Check if ReleaseTools is ready for use

release-tool status

If you want to know more about thestructure behind ReleaseTools
then you can use the -v flag behind every command to see the
verbose info

_If a error occurs then you can add the -vvv parameter to the tool. A stack-trace will be shown.



In development you should make a new branch for all your features/changes.
Release tools makes use of the current branch name for file naming for the changelog files.

Adding a new changelog file to the repo, this command is interactive.
For testing you can use --dry-run as parameter

release-tool changelog 

Implement git hook to force you to make a changelog entry

release-tool hooks:made-changelog


In development you want to run the prepare command which will create a issue in the repo that is specified in the .release-tools file
For testing you can use --dry-run as parameter

release-tool release:prepare

Building changelog file
For testing you can use --dry-run as parameter

release-tool build:changelog

List all pending changelogs

release-tool list:changelog
| Title             | Author     | Merge Request | Type         |
| this is a test MR | Ramon Smit | 1             | Security fix |

Building a stub:

If you need to create a custom stub for release-tool prepare you can
create a file called prepare.stub in the directory .release-tools/stubs

These files are markdown files and the following variables are available:

  • :version This represents the version you fill when askes
  • :reop This represents the repo variable from the .release-tool file

This wil override as the issue template pushed to GitLab when releasing.


**Release `:repo` version `:version`**

*Pre flight checks*
* [ ] - Notify in `5_Releases`
* [ ] - A
* [ ] - B
  * [ ] - C

Building playbooks:

If you need to create a custom playbook for release-tool playbook <playbook-name> you can
create a file called <name>.rtp in the directory .release-tools/playbooks

These files are yaml files and the following variables are available:

  • :version This represents the version you fill when askes
  • :reop This represents the repo variable from the .release-tool file


      from: develop
      to: releases/:version

      from: releases/:version
      version: v:version

      branches: releases/:version > master

      branches: master > develop

      channel: 'releases'
      message: '@channel We''re about to release version :version of the project :repo. Please stop merging now into develop until next announcement'

The example contains all available methods for playbooks.

.release-tools file example

repo: group/repo
api_key: AbC123DeF456Ghi789


FOSSA Status