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Babel: A domain specific language for graph generation

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Add dependency:

If using the SBT tool:

Add the following snippet to the build.sbt file:

resolvers += "maven" at ""
libraryDependencies += "edu.upc.dama" %% "babel" % "0.4.1"
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalameta" % "paradise" % "3.0.0-M11" cross CrossVersion.full)

Definition of node models

import babel._
import java.time.LocalDate

@node class Actor(name: String,
                  gender: Option[String],
                  country: String,
                  birthDate: LocalDate)
import babel._

@node class Movie(director: String,
                  title: String,
                  releaseDate: LocalDate,
                  country: String,
                  budgetInUSDollars: Option[Double])

Definition of Edge models

import babel._
import java.time.LocalDate

class Portrayed(characterName: String)

### Property generators definition

import babel._

object ActorBirthDateGenerator extends PropertyGenerator[LocalDate] {

  override def run(id: Id,
                   r: (Id) => Long,
                   dependencies: Any*): LocalDate =
      hash = r(id),
      min = NOW().minusYears(90),
      max = NOW(),
      distribution = Distribution.Uniform

Defining graph structure generators.

For defining graph structure generators, we need to implement the following interface:

trait GraphStructureGenerator[T] {
  val run(n: Long): T
  val getNumberNodes(numberEdges: Long): Long