Board based on STM32F4 to connect various perepherial over USB. May be useful with single-board computers (SoCs) like Raspberry Pi
- Check that RingBuffer is thread-safe
- Something for errors reporting
- Global error handler and other callbacks - define something understandable
- Retransmitting to another network devices (works on PC simulation)
- TimePlanner should return time of next activity
- Internal transmission without network
- Struct-based layers parameters
- Send ack second time if already sended ?
- Move base64 to communication
STM32 Hardware abstraction
- Devices driver structure: Driver <- Hal driver <- instance with concrete handlers configured by Cube
- Some kind of RTOS-based light asio analog
Device core
- All time-related -> std::chrono
- Change debug printf to something without malloc
Modules interface
- For each module make 'module back' and 'module front'. Front should be avaliable from MCU too.
- Change folders structure for modules
- Derive backs from IModule
Monitor module
- Run new stack on board
- Merge to master: remove old code and files
GPS module
- Fill thimestamp structs with content
Asynchronous C++ API
- Add timeout for operations
Synchronous python API
- Replace condition variable with promise/future and wait_for (No! Timeout shoud be made in another way!) ...
DAC module
ADC module
GPIO module
nfr24l01 device
- Driver abstraction
- Driver implementation
- Single device test
- Double device test
- Device class code refactoring
- SPI without IRQ
LoRa module
- Double device test
- Code refactoring and adaptation
- Adapt as a class
- Make physical layer
State saving in EEPROM
IR transmitter
IR receiver
- Gen 1 PCB design
- [?] CRITICAL: LoRa works only if message len > real sending amount - stabilisation with timouts
- IMPORTANT: sometimes MCU spam inconsistent messages instead of replying by USB. Disabling lock glue fixes the problem... fixed by disabling malloc/free wrappers (NOT FIXED!..)
- Wrong parameters value: file /home/dalexies/Projects/wideusb/source/stm32/Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f4xx_hal_cortex.c on line 171
during HAL_NVIC_SetPriority in HAL_InitTick from HAL_InitTick (uwTickPrio); (stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.c:724) where uwTickPrio is set at
uint32_t uwTickPrio = (1UL << __NVIC_PRIO_BITS); /* Invalid PRIO */
- this is generated by Cube - malloc(): mismatching next->prev_size (unsorted) on python exit