Kube-hound is an automatic security smell detection tool targeting Kubernetes-based microservices applications.
Currently it is supported the detection for:
- Insufficient Access Control in OpenAPI specfications
- Multiple User Authentication in OpenAPI specifications
- Unecessary privileges to microservices using Kubesec.io
- Hardcoded Secrets in Environment Variables
- Publicly Accessible Services using the External-IP field
- Unencrypted Pod-to-Pod Traffic
- Hardcoded secrets in Kubernetes
- Hardcoded secrets in Docker and Source code
- Data-at-Rest Encryption Not Enabled in DBMSs
The folder data/examples
contains various examples of analyses on different sample applications.
usage: kube-hound [-h] [-c CONTEXT] [-d] [-s] [-l ANALYSIS_LIST] [--json] [-v] [-vv] config_file
kube-hound: detect securitysmells in kubernetes based applications
positional arguments:
config_file path to the config file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONTEXT, --context CONTEXT
path to the application context
-d run only dynamic analyses
-s run only static analyses
-l ANALYSIS_LIST comma separated list of analysis to run (default all available)
--json output results in a json object
-v verbose output
-vv more verbose output
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Mapping
from kube_hound.hound import Hound
from kube_hound.analysis import AnalysisResult, StaticAnalysis
from kube_hound.applicationobject import ApplicationObject
class HelloWorldAnalysis(StaticAnalysis):
analysis_id = 'hello_world'
analysis_name = 'Hello World Analysis'
analysis_description = 'This analysis prints Hello, World!'
input_types = ['kubernetes_config', 'dockerfile']
def run_analysis(self, input_objects: Mapping[str, List[ApplicationObject]])\
-> List[AnalysisResult]:
print('Hello, World!')
return []
# instantiate the Hound object and load the Kubernetes config from the environment
hound = Hound(Path("test_files/mock-application/application"))
# acquire and parse the application
# register HelloWorldAnalysis to the scheduler
# only run static analyses
hound.run_dynamic = False
# run the analyses and show the results
Kube-hound needs the Docker engine and kubectl installed. Additionally, to detect unencrypted Pod-to-Pod traffic, it needs ksniff installed.
To install the python dependencies run
poetry install
Preconfigured yaml config files for Online boutique and Sock shop can be found in the test_files
To run Kube-hound on those application run:
When you want to add a new service to the docker-compose.yml
you have to follow this procedure to make the application work properly:
- add the section of the environments where they will be specified:
- type of analisys: if the analysis where the container is used is static or dynamic or both (if both specify both options separated by a comma without spaces, case where the container is used in multiple analyses).
- in which analysis: specify the id of the analysis where the container is used (as in type if there are multiple analyzes separate them with commas without adding spaces)
- example:
version: '3' services: app: ... kubesec: image: ... ... ... environment: - TYPE=static,dynamic - ANALISYS=analisys_id
- for better parsing
put them in uppercase (as in the example)