DPanel Plus Package with Global Setting and Laravel Dynamic Search
This is modern Admin Panel developed By DD4You.in with tailwind css. It's help to create admin panel with prebuild login system with multi role and permission
Install Package via composer
composer require dd4you/dpanel-plus
php artisan dd4you:install-dpanel
Add Seeder
Install Tailwind Css if not install
Add Below code in tailwind.config.js
Migrate the database
php artisan migrate
Add below code in your AuthServiceProvider
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate;
............ Inside boot method ............
Gate::before(function ($user, $ability) {
return $user->hasRole('super-admin') ? true : null;
URL: your_domain/dpanel
Email: su@localhost.com
Password: suadmin
Email: dpanel@localhost.com
Password: dpanel
Store general settings like website name, logo url, contacts in the database easily. Everything is cached, so no extra query is done. You can also get fresh values from the database directly if you need.
php artisan dd4you:install-lgs
Migrate the database
php artisan migrate
I have also added seeder for some general settings a website needs. Seed the database using command:
php artisan db:seed --class=SettingsSeeder
To store settings on database
['label'=>'Label Name','value'=>'Value Name']
You can also set multiple settings at once
'label'=>'Label Name',
'value'=>'Value Name',
'label'=>'Label Name',
'value'=>'Value Name'
You can retrieve the settings from cache using any command below
settings()->get(['key1', 'key2']);
Want the settings directly from database? You can do it,
settings()->get(['key1', 'key2'],true);
Getting all the settings stored on database
You can use the settings on blade as
{{ settings('site_name') }}
Or, if you have html stored on settings
{!! settings('footer_text') !!}
{!! settings('footer_text') Copyright Date('Y') !!}
Finally, If you have changed something directly on database, Don't forget to clear the cache.
php artisan cache:clear
If you have any feedback, please reach out at vinay@dd4you.in or submit a pull request here.