Moringa class week one project
I am a Kenyan Programmer named Deborah in her mid thirties-ladies dont disclose their ages ;but well.
A mother of two boys-one on the way :-) ,married to one man .Born 6th in a family of 5 girls and one boy.Both my parents are alive;which is a thanksgiving for me.
About my career ,I have been in the professional industry for 11 years now under different companies and professions. Currently long serving at Safaricom PLC as an end user Technician and also Retail executive.
Why I ventured into Moringa schools for software engineering,i can proudly say that its a passion for me to be in the technical field and more so to be able to code.
Coding is life. And a skill i have wanted to have ,realizing that my employer was providing the opportunity,i took it up and i dint look back.What i long for is being a professional in coding.
- Family history
- Professional brief
- My favourite Foods
- My favourite programs
- Special Moments
- Future Expectations
- Activities of Interest see
project setup instructions are as link to live site on GitHub
{There are no known bugs to this project. }
{This project languages are HTML and CSS using Video Studio Code and gitbash terminal for coding this portfolio.}
{For any any questions or concerns kindly feel free to inbox me at in regards to this project.}
copyright (c) {2022} ** {Deby projects with Special thanks to my family} **