Web frontend for FTF Productivity scheme
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Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government license v3
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This repository contains all the code for the Productivity grant frontend application, which provides a series of questions for a user to determine what they need from the grant application, if the grant is something they can apply for and how strong their application is. If the user finishes the application, it also submits their answers along with their contact details for review.
The strength of the application is checked via a request sent to and received from the ffc-grants-desirability-scoring service using Azure Service Bus Session Queues, and the users' answers and details are submitted via a request sent to the ffc-grants-desirability-notification service using an Azure Service Bus Topic
This application requires the following to be run locally:
- Node
- Docker
- Access to Azure, and the Azure SND environment
- A running instance of ffc-grants-desirability-scoring (This is optional, and only needed if navigating to or past the /score page)
- This also means you will need PostgreSQL, with the latest Productivity DB script containing the Productivity Scoring algorithm
- This also means you will need A DEFRA VPN connection (AKA being connected to OpenVPN)
- A running instance of ffc-grants-desirability-notification (This is optional, and only needed for sending/receiving the Email after the application is complete)
There are many required Environment Variables needed for this project, which would be saved in a .env file. The following is a list of all of these, with a brief description of what they are needed/used for:
Environment Variable Name | Brief Description | Example (if needed) |
PORT | Used to Determine what Port the application should run on when running locally. Usually this is set to 3600 | 3600 |
SERVICE_BUS_HOST | The Azure Host Address that contains the necessary Service Buses | N/A |
SERVICE_BUS_PASSWORD | The password in order to access the Azure Service Buses | N/A |
SERVICE_BUS_USER | The user in order to access the Azure Service Buses | N/A |
COOKIE_PASSWORD | The password needed for authorizing the cookies | N/A |
BACKEND_POLLING_HOST | The localhost address for Backend Polling (This should be the full localhost address and should not have the same port as specified in PORT ) | http://localhost:3021/ |
NODE_ENV | The environemnt to be used locally (this is only needed for things like the cookie authentication etc) | dev |
SITE_URL | The url of the local application (This should have the same port number used in PORT) | localhost:3600 |
APPINSIGHT_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY | The key needed to connect to App Insights | N/A |
REDIS_HOSTNAME | The hostname needed for connecting to Azure Redis | N/A |
REDIS_PORT | The port needed for connecting to Azure Redis | N/A |
REDIS_PASSWORD | The password needed for connecting to Azure Redis | N/A |
REDIS_PARTITION | The name of the application, needed for Azure Redis | ffc-grants-productivity-web |
SERVER_TIMEOUT | How long the server timeout should be when running loclaly | 5 |
--- | --- | --- |
SCORE_REQUEST_QUEUE_ADDRESS | The name of the Azure Service Bus Queue used for sending the score request (without the users initials) | ffc-grants-queue-req |
SCORE_RESPONSE_QUEUE_ADDRESS | The name of the Azure Service Bus Queue used for receiving the score data from the scoring service (without the users initials) | ffc-grants-queue-res |
MESSAGE_QUEUE_SUFFIX | The users initials, which would be used at the end of the scoring queues | -zd |
--- | --- | --- |
LOGIN_REQUIRED | A vaiable to determine whether the login screen should be active or not (Optional, app automatically sets to false if this is absent) | false |
AUTH_USERNAME | The username needed for the login screen (Optional, only needed if LOGIN_REQUIRED is true) | grants |
AUTH_PASSWORD_HASH | The password needed for the login screen (Optional, only needed if LOGIN_REQUIRED is true) | grants |
--- | --- | --- |
NOTIFY_EMAIL_TEMPLATE | The email template needed for the application | N/A |
NOTIFY_EMAIL_VERANDA_TEMPLATE | The email template needed if veranda journey is selected for the application | N/A |
WORKSHEET_HIDE_EMPTY_ROWS | A true/false value to determine if empty rows in the DORA excel sheet should be hidden (defaults to true) | true |
WORKSHEET_PROTECT_ENABLED | A true/false value to determine if the DORA excel sheet should be protected (defaults to false) | false |
SEND_EMAIL_TO_RPA | A true/false value to determine if the generated email should be sent to RPA (default to false) | false |
WORKSHEET_PROTECT_PASSWORD | The password to protect the DORA excel sheet | N/A |
EXCEL_UPLOAD_ENVIRONMENT | The environment to upload the DORA excel sheet to | DEV |
DESIRABILITY_SUBMITTED_TOPIC_ADDRESS | The name of the Azure Service Bus Topic used for sending the Email and DORA details | ffc-grants-topic |
--- | --- | --- |
GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_KEY | The key needed to connect to Google Tag Manager (Optional, only required if needing to send analytics to Google Analytics) | N/A |
GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_SERVER_KEY | The server key needed to connect to Google Tag Manager (Optional, only required if needing to send analytics to Google Analytics) | N/A |
ANALYTICS_PROPERTY_API | The API key needed for connecting to Google Analytics (Optional, only required if needing to send analytics to Google Analytics) | N/A |
ANALYTICS_TAG_KEY | The key needed to send analytics to Google Analytics (Optional, only required if needing to send analytics to Google Analytics) | N/A |
All of these values can be found in either the Azure App Configurations for the SND environment, or the Azure Service Bus for the SND environment.
Before starting the application, make sure to run 'npm install' from the root of the application to install all of the necessary dependencies.
Once all the dependencies have been installed, start up Docker and then run the command 'docker-compose up --build'. This will build the application using the .env variables specified, and then will run and host the application on the localhost port specified in the .env file.
Once the Docker application is running, the frontend application can be accessed by entering the localhost port in any web browser, followed by /productivity/start
e.g localhost:3600/productivity/start
In order to access the /score page, the ffc-grants-desirability-scoring service must be running locally, and the DEFRA VPN connection must be active (this is required to send and receive requests via Azure Service Buses)
Please note: There is a page guard in effect in this service which will stop a user from jumping to a url out of logic. If the user needs to access a specific page (such as /score), they would need to navigate through the grant as normal.
In order to stop the frontendapplication, press CTRL + C in the docker terminal, and enter Y if prompted. If other services are running (such as ffc-grants-desirability-scoring), this would need to be repeated in their respective docker terminals.
To run unit tests in this application, run 'npm run test' in the terminal from the root of the application.
Please note: Some Mac users have not been able to run this in the terminal successfully. Instead, these users would run 'scripts/test', which also runs all of the unit tests. The only difference between using this command is that all of the tests are run via docker instead of node.