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Provides an API over the Database of Qualified Teachers (DQT). Provides the core Teaching record and will eventually replace the Database of Qualified Teachers (DQT).

High level architecture (showing one of the citizen facing services that make use of the TRS API)

Data Integrations **

TRS provides the the core teaching record data to a number of internal and external facing digital services:

** None exhaustive list

What does it do?

It is the primary source of teaching records for DfE. It holds data to meet UK Government statutory obligations as well as allow individuals working in the UK education system (including, but not limited to) teachers in schools withing England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to access digital services provided by the DfE.

Authorising Access using GOV.UK One Login

All DfE services will adopt the standard GOV.UK One-Login service to provide standard access to citizen facing services. However, for Teacher Services digital services, it is sometime necessary to implement further authorisation to access a teaching record (e.g. for a teacher to view certificates). TRS will provide this authorisation seamlessly (from a user POV) by handling the redirection between calling service --> GOV.UK OneLogin sign in screen -->TRS (to check access) and back to the calling service.

Calling the API

The API is versioned and each endpoint is prefixed with the version number e.g. /v3/. V3 is further split into minor versions; a header should be added to your requests indicating which minor version you want e.g.

X-Api-Version: 20240101

Wherever possible you should call the latest version.

You can view the API specifications for each version by visiting /swagger (see Environments below for the base addresses).

An API key is required for calling the API; speak to one of the developers to get one. The key must be passed in an Authorization header e.g.

Authorization: Bearer your_api_key

Upgrading V3 versions

See the changelog for the details of what has changed between versions.


Name URL

Developer setup

Software requirements

The API is an ASP.NET Core 8 web application. To develop locally you will need the following installed:

  • Visual Studio 2022 (or the .NET 8 SDK and an alternative IDE/editor);
  • a local Postgres 13+ instance.
  • SASS.

A justfile defines various recipes for development. Ensure just is installed and available on your $PATH as well as PowerShell.

If you're working on infrastructure you will also need:

  • make;
  • Terraform;
  • bash.

Local tools setup

dotnet-format is required for linting. A just recipe will install it:

just install-tools

Database setup

Install Postgres then set a connection string configuration entry in user secrets for running the apps and another for running the tests. Note you should use a different database for tests as the test database will be cleared down whenever tests are run.


just set-secret ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection "Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=your_postgres_password;Database=trs"
just set-tests-secret ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection "Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=your_postgres_password;Database=trs_tests"

To set up the initial database schema run:

just build
just cli migrate-db

The databases will be created automatically when running the tests.

DQT Reporting database setup

This solution contains a service that synchronises changes from CRM into a SQL Server database used for reporting (this replaces the now-deprecated Data Export Service). It also synronises selected tables from TRS. By default this is disabled for local development. For the tests to pass, you will need a test database and a connection string defined in user secrets e.g.

just set-tests-secret DqtReporting:ReportingDbConnectionString "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=DqtReportingTests;Integrated Security=Yes;TrustServerCertificate=True"

Your postgres server's wal_level must be set to logical:

ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_level = logical;

You will have to restart the server after amending this configuration.

To run the service locally override the configuration option to run the service and ensure a connection string is provided e.g.

just set-secret DqtReporting:RunService true
just set-secret DqtReporting:ReportingDbConnectionString "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=DqtReporting;Integrated Security=Yes;TrustServerCertificate=True"

The service will now run as a background service of the Worker project.

It is a good idea to remove the replication slot when you're not working on this service to avoid a backlog on unprocessed changes accumulating in postgres.

just set-secret DqtReporting:RunService false
just cli drop-dqt-reporting-replication-slot

Admin user setup

Add yourself to your local database as an administrator:

just create-admin "" "Your Name"

External dependencies

There are several external dependencies required for local development; these are listed below. Ask a developer on the team for the user secrets for these dependencies.

Dynamics CRM

The build CRM environment is used for local development and automated tests.

TRN Generation API

The API calls the TRN Generation API to generate a TRNs.

Azure AD

Azure AD is used for authenticating users in the Support UI.

CRM code generation

A tool is used to generated proxy classes for the entities defined within the DQT CRM. The tool generates the TeachingRecordSystem.Dqt.Models.GeneratedCode.cs and TeachingRecordSystem.Dqt.Models.GeneratedOptionSets.cs files. A configuration file at crm_attributes.json whitelists the entities and their attributes which are included on the generated types.

Run just generate-crm-models to run the code generator against the build environment using the configuration file above. The CRM user secrets described within Developer setup must be correctly set for the tool to run successfully. The tool is a .NET Framework application and requires .NET 4.6.

Environment configuration

Environment-specific configuration is stored in Key Vault inside a single JSON-encoded key named 'AppConfig'. This is retrieved via Terraform at deployment time and is set as an environment variable so it can be accessed by the application.


Pull request builds will run format checks on .NET and Terraform code changes; if there are any issues the build will fail.

Before committing you can format any changed files by running:

just format-changed

To format the entire codebase run

just format