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Releases: DGP-Studio/Snap.Hutao


29 Mar 08:19
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  • 新增 ➕
    • 祈愿记录页面全球统计页签新增集录祈愿栏目
  • 修复 🔨
    • 修复了联动启动 Better Genshin Impact 时的错误 #1467
    • 修复了高级启动器-资源下载中完整包包名显示错误的问题 #1476
    • 修复了高级启动器在解锁帧率时游戏仍然会启动的问题 #1495
    • 更换了设置页中过时的链接 #1503
    • 修复了在添加账号时闪退;修复了偶发的无法正确清空选中的用户与角色的问题;优化了登录后的界面显示 #1504
    • 修复了在祈愿记录界面关闭窗口会导致程序崩溃的问题
    • 修复了当程序主题与系统主题不同时,对话框会显示系统主题的问题
  • 优化 ✨
    • 优化了 WIKI 关键词搜索界面 #1475
    • 优化了 WIKI 功能搜索结果为空时的界面 #1479
    • 优化了养成计划中已收集完成物品的显示 #1513
    • 优化了养成计划界面瀑布流排版的流畅度与稳定性
    • 优化了养成计划页面背包材料与材料统计页签的默认排序,现在对于数量足够的物品会显示完成标记 #1510
    • 优化了祈愿记录页面统计页签底部滚动条的对齐
    • 优化了祈愿记录页面全球统计页签的物品显示逻辑
    • 优化了成就记录页面网格视图的流畅度与稳定性
    • 在网页登录账号界面增加了安全性提示

Update Log

  • Add ➕
    • Added Chronicled Wish in Global Wish Stats tab under Wish Export page
  • Fix 🔨
    • Fixed the interact launch error with Better Genshin Impact #1467
    • Fixed the full package name error in Advanced Game Launcher - Resource Download page #1476
    • Fixed the issue that game would be launched when failed to unlock frame rate limit #1495
    • Updated outdated links in Settings page #1503
    • Fixed the crash issue when adding accounts; fixed sporadic issue that selected users and characters could not be cleared correctly; optimized the UI display after logging in. #1504
  • Optimization ✨
    • Optimized keyword searching UI in WIKI pages #1475
    • Optimized UI in WIKI page when search result is empty #1479
    • Optimized collected item display in Dev Plan #1513
    • Optimized the smoothness and stability of the waterfall layout in the Dev Plan page
    • Optimized the default sorting of backpack materials and material stats tabs on the Dev Plan page, and now displays completion markers for items with sufficient quantities #1510
    • Optimized the alignment of the scroll bar at the bottom of the Statistics tab on the Wish Export page
    • Optimized the logic of displaying items in the Global Wish Stats tab on the Wish Export page
    • Optimized the smoothness and stability of the grid view on the Achievement Management page
    • Added security hint in Web Login page

完整更新日志/What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.9.8...1.9.9

如果你安装过程中出现问题,请阅读我们的 FAQ 文档以获取解决方案
If you have any issue during the installation, please check our FAQ document for solutions


13 Mar 06:30
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  • 新增 ➕
    • 新增对集录祈愿卡池的支持 #1470
    • 增加对 UIGF v3.0 祈愿数据格式的支持
    • 新增程序内切换应用深浅色主题的设置选项 #1434
  • 修复 🔨
    • 修复了在特定的 Windows 显示设置下,主页卡片的显示问题 #1429
    • 修复了因网络问题,国际服和官服之间有概率转换失败的情况 #1433
    • 修复了启动游戏下载页签预下载的下载链接与名称不正确的问题
  • 优化 ✨
    • 大幅增强了 WIKI 搜索筛选功能,现在用户在输入时会获得提示 #1120
    • 修正了部分游戏启动器中与进程间相关功能的用词 #1432
    • 重新设计了祈愿记录页面中常驻祈愿数据展示的 UI #1460
    • 优化了在祈愿卡池数据为空时,祈愿记录时间范围的文本 #1443
    • 主窗体重新启用了背景材料显示
    • 切换背景选项后立即刷新背景,无需重启生效
    • 优化了深境螺旋本期统计中队伍上场页签的 UI

Update Log

  • New ➕
    • Added support for Chronicled Wish #1470
    • Added support for UIGF v3.0 wish data format
    • Added dark/light mode setting option in the settings page #1434
  • Fix 🔨
    • Fixed the card display issue under some particular Windows display settings values #1429
    • Fixed the issue that network issue may cause client conversion between CN server and oversea server failed #1433
    • Fixed the wrong OTA package name and link in downloadable resource page in Advanced Game Launcher
  • Optimization ✨
    • The WIKI search/filtering feature has been greatly enhanced, users will now get prompts when typing #1120
    • Optimized the text in some InterProcess features in Advanced Game Launcher #1432
    • Optimized the display UI of Wanderlust Invocation in Wish Export page #1460
    • Optimized the time range text when the wish data is empty #1443
    • Re-enabled the background material in main window
    • Background image will now be refreshed immediately after changing the background image source setting
    • Optimized the Teams UI in Spiral Abyss page

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.9.7...1.9.8

如果你安装过程中出现问题,请阅读我们的 FAQ 文档以获取解决方案
If you have any issue during the installation, please check our FAQ document for solutions


21 Feb 12:45
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  • 新增 ➕
    • 在高级启动器中新增与 Better Genshin Impact 程序的联动启动功能,用户现在可以在通过 Snap Hutao 启动游戏的同时,自动启动 BGI #1388
    • 新增了多个客户端背景图的来源选项,包括:
      • 无背景图片(默认选项)
      • 本地随机图片
      • Bing 每日图片
      • 胡桃每日图片
      • 原神官方启动器背景图
  • 修复 🔨
    • 修复了当 Discord 以管理员权限运行时,用普通权限启动胡桃时,胡桃会闪退的问题 #1400
    • 修复了管理员模式下拖动排序导致客户端闪退的问题 #1379
    • 修复了首页游戏公告下滑至底部会使公告消失的问题 #1365
    • 再次修复了角色资料部分文本显示异常的问题 #1316
    • 修复了反馈中心中搜索结果未进行 HTML 解码的问题 #1391
  • 优化 ✨
    • 高级启动器中的快捷分辨率设置新增两个分辨率快捷选项 #1375
    • 记忆用户的每个账号下选中的角色 #1233

Update Log

  • New ➕
    • Added Better Genshin Impact joint start up option in the advanced launcher, users now can start Genshin Impact and BGI together in Snap Hutao #1388
    • Added multiple client background wallpaper sources, including:
      • No wallpaper (default)
      • Random images in local background folder
      • Bing daily wallpaper
      • Hutao daily wallpaper
      • Genshin Impact official launcher background
  • Fix 🔨
    • Fixed the issue that when Discord is running with administrator privilege and Snap Hutao is running in normal privilege, Snap Hutao will crash #1400
    • Fixed the issue that reorder game account in Advanced Launcher with administrator privilege would cause the clint to crash #1379
    • Fixed the issue that scroll down the in-game announcement in Dashboard would cause the announcement disappear #1365
    • Fixed some human unreadable text in character WIKI, again #1316
    • Fixed the issue that searching result in Feedback Center was not HTML decoded #1391
  • Optimization ✨
    • Added two 4K resolution options in Advanced Launcher #1375
    • Client will now memorize selected character in each account in MiHoYo BBS account panel #1233

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.9.6...1.9.7

如果你安装过程中出现问题,请阅读我们的 FAQ 文档以获取解决方案
If you have any issue during the installation, please check our FAQ document for solutions


07 Feb 07:17
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  • 新增➕
    • 新增自定义应用内背景功能,用户可以在设置内打开背景目录并设置想要展示的图片 #357
    • 新增设置页面的响应式布局,现在页面布局会随着窗口大小动态调整,@Scighost 实现了这个功能 #1337
    • 在反馈中心中新增了容器 loopback 状态显示和解除限制的功能
    • 在反馈中心中新增了显示当前网络代理状态的功能
  • 修复🔨
    • 修复了深境螺旋数据上传时提示 653366069 错误的问题 #1351
    • 修复了我的角色从原神战绩与从养成计算同步时提示 653366069 错误的问题
    • 适配了亚服新 UID 规则
    • 修复了游戏公告中部分文本字体过小的问题 #1347
    • 修复了二维码扫码登录失败的问题,使用绝区零登录入口处理扫码登录 #1345
    • 替换了角色资料中角色语音/角色故事的部分不可读文本为正常文本 #1316
    • 修复了参量质变仪未获得时在主页实时便笺卡片中的错误显示问题 #1331
    • 修复了在某些情况下首页公告下滑至底部导致崩溃的问题 #1365
  • 优化 ✨
    • 用户面板中的米游社/HoYoLAB 账号允许被拖动排序以允许用户获得更自然的操作体验 #1334
    • 启动游戏中保存的游戏账号允许被拖动排序以允许用户获得更自然的操作体验
    • 优化了祈愿统计页面中功能的标题文本(将统计重命名为全球祈愿统计#1344
    • 优化了启动游戏中资源下载页面的文本(将客户端重命名为完整包#1279
    • 优化了引导界面下载图片资源的错误提示 #1333
    • 更新了原神 4.4 版本深渊的波次文本提示
    • 新增了实时便笺通知设置权限不足的错误提示文本
    • 限制了下载更新时的线程数
    • 启动游戏快捷分辨率添加了两个新的分辨率
    • 内置了 Windows App SDK
    • 优化了 Win32/COM API 调用
    • 重做了大部分 UI 以适应含有图片背景的客户端
  • 本地化 🌏
    • 客户端新增葡萄牙语翻译,感谢 @t0piy 提供的翻译

Update Log

  • New ➕
    • Added customized background image feature, users now can open background image folder and add images they like #357
    • Added responsive settings page, layout will be updated while window size and shape changes, @Scighost realized this feature #1337
    • Added container loopback status and unlocker feature in Feedback Center
    • Added displaying current network proxy status feature in Feedback Center
  • Fix 🔨
    • Fixed 653366069 error when submit Spiral Abyss data #1351
    • Fixed 653366069 error when sync character from MiHoYo BBS Battle Chronicle and Development Plan sources
    • Adapt new Asia server UID rule
    • Fixed the issue that font size in game announcements is too small #1347
    • Fixed MiYouShe QR code login issue, now ZZZ login page is used to handle QR code login method #1345
    • Replace unreadable text in character voice/story with normal text in Character WIKI #1316
    • Fixed the display issue in Home Dashboard when Parametric Transformer is not achieved #1331
    • Fixed the issue that in some cases, swap Home Dashboard to bottom side would cause the client to crash #1365
  • Optimization ✨
    • User's MiHoYo BBS accounts in Account Panel can be dragged and reordered now, to allow users to have a better operation experience #1334
    • Game account records in Game Launcher can be dragged and reordered now, to allow users to have a better operation experience
    • Optimized title text in Wish Export (Statistics is renamed to Global Wish Stats) #1344
    • Optimized text under Resource Download page in Game Launcher (Client is renamed to Full Package) #1279
    • Optimized image download error hint in wizard #1333
    • Update Spiral Abyss wave information text of Genshin Impact version 4.4
    • Added permission error hint in Realtime Notes notification settings
    • Limit active thread count when downloading client update package
    • Added two new resolutions in Game Resolution Quick Settings
    • Make Windows App SDK embedded
    • Optimized Win32/COM API calls
    • Redesigned client UI to fit background images
  • Localization 🌏
    • Portuguese (PT-BR) is now a new client language, thanks to contribution from @t0piy

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.9.5...1.9.6

如果你安装过程中出现问题,请阅读我们的 FAQ 文档以获取解决方案
If you have any issue during the installation, please check our FAQ document for solutions


11 Jan 11:25
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  • 新增 ➕
    • 启动游戏页面新增标识显示器功能 #1261
    • 全新的反馈中心已上线 #1039
  • 修复 🔨
    • 修复了游戏路径在 Program Files 路径下时会导致游戏启动器弹出切换服务器失败的错误 #1262
    • 修复了静态资源下载页面下载的静态资源包无法正常全部完成的问题 #1242
  • 优化 ✨
    • 支持在程序运行时更改代理设置
    • 主页启动游戏卡片增加启动状态提示
    • 设置页面删除转换游戏客户端缓存后重新计算文件夹大小
    • 优化了是否需要进行游戏客户端转换的逻辑
    • 完善了英语翻译

Update Log

  • New ➕
    • Added monitor identification button in game launcher #1261
    • Brand new Feedback Center is introduced #1039
  • Fix 🔨
    • Fixed the issue that when the game in under Program Files path, server conversion failed error would be raised #1262
    • Fixed the issue that static packages download cannot be completed in the setup wizard #1242
  • Optimization ✨
    • Added support of changing proxy settings during Snap Hutao is running
    • Added game status in Game Launcher Card in the dashboard
    • Added data folder size auto refresh after server conversion cache is deleted
    • Optimized the logic to identify whether server conversion is needed when game launch process is requested
    • Optimized the English translation

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.9.4...1.9.5

如果你安装过程中出现问题,请阅读我们的 FAQ 文档以获取解决方案
If you have any issue during the installation, please check our FAQ document for solutions


03 Jan 14:45
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  • 修复 🔨
    • 修复了 Bilibili 服务器用户进入主界面会崩溃的问题

Update Log

  • Fix 🔨
    • Fixed the crash issue for Bilibili server users when entering the main window

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.9.3...1.9.4


03 Jan 12:08
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  • 修复 🔨
    • 修复了新安装用户初次进入主界面会崩溃的问题

Update Log

  • Fix 🔨
    • Fixed the crash issue for new users when entering the main window

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.9.2...1.9.3


03 Jan 11:39
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  • 新增 ➕
    • 游戏启动器中新增开启 Windows 原生 HDR 选项
    • 游戏启动器中新增切换功能对国际服账号的支持
    • 设置页中新增删除转服功能缓存的选项
    • 设置页中新增以管理员模式重启程序的选项
    • 新增 WebView 分享图片到剪贴板的功能
  • 修复 🔨
    • 修复了特定的米游社页面在 Webview 中无法被正常操作的问题
    • 在应用标题栏中增加显眼的管理员模式标识以展示 Snap Hutao 当前是否以管理员模式运行
    • 修复了转换服务器造成游戏路径异常的问题
    • 更正了深境螺旋页面的文档链接
  • 优化 ✨
    • 实时便笺数据转发 Webhook 中增加了账号识别字段
    • 设置中所有的危险选项现在都有二次确认
    • 从使用 Powershell 设置游戏账号更改为直接设置注册表以避免未开启长路径功能错误
    • 优化了自动连点快捷键设置的 UI
    • 转换服务器优化了对 Program Files 等特殊路径的检查
    • 优化了 WebView 在部分页面下的滚动表现
    • 优化了设置 Discord Activity 的性能

Update Log

  • New ➕
    • Added Windows native HDR option in Game Launcher
    • Added support of HoYoverse accounts in Game Launcher account switch feature
    • Added option of deleting server conversion cache file in Settings page
    • Added restart as admin option in Settings page
    • Added the function of sharing pictures to the clipboard in WebView
  • Fix 🔨
    • Fixed the issue that some MiHoYo BBS pages operations cannot be done in Webview
    • Added conspicuous mark of Admin Mode on windows title to indicate whether if Snap Hutao is running as administrator
    • Fixed game path error after server conversion
    • Fixed the document link on Spiral Abyss page
  • Optimization ✨
    • Added account identification field in Real-time Note data forwarding webhook
    • All options in Danger Zone on Settings page now have double confirmations
    • Change to way of game account switch from PowerShell of directly modify regedit to avoid error when Windows Long Path is not enabled
    • Optimized UI of auto-click feature shortcut settings card
    • Added checks for special paths such as Program Files during server conversion
    • Optimized the scrolling performance of WebView on some pages
    • Optimized the performance of Discord Activity

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.9.1...1.9.2


23 Dec 11:25
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  • 修复
    • 修复了在用户系统文字缩放比例不为100%时,进入游戏启动器页面时会导致程序崩溃的问题
    • 修复了一个由实时便笺功能导致程序在启动时崩溃的问题
    • 修复了实时便笺有概率与用户信息同时加载导致死锁的问题
  • 优化
    • 在游戏启动器添加/选择游戏路径页面增强了用户提示

Update Log

  • Fix 🔨
    • Fixed crash on Game Launcher page when user text zoom is not set as 100%
    • Fixed crash caused by Realtime Notes during the program startup
    • Fixed the issue where Realtime Notes may be loaded simultaneously with user account information, result in reentrancy
  • Optimizations ✨
    • Enhanced prompt to add or select game path in Game Launcher

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.9.0...1.9.1


23 Dec 04:45
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Snap Hutao 在近期获得了 SignPath 基金会的赞助的代码签名证书。自1.9.0版本起,我们将使用全新的证书为 Snap Hutao 安装包签名。
你可以阅读1.9.0 版本重大改变详解一文来更深入地了解这次版本更新中签名变化对 Snap Hutao 项目的改变。

  • 新增 ➕
    • 游戏启动器现在支持了多个游戏路径 #525
    • 在用户面板中增加了米游社的扫码登录方法 #870
    • 客户端新增了自动检测网络状态,并将结果显示在设置页面中 #1116
    • 在游戏启动器中新增了以触屏模式启动原神的选项 #1173
    • 在设置中增加了修改游戏公告源的选项,现在用户可以选择国际服公告并根据客户端语言显示对应语言的公告 #1112
      • 仅当 Crowdin 翻译库中有对应语言的正则表达式时才可以正确显示公告(目前已确认支持简体中文、繁体中文和英语)
    • 在设置中新增了启用控制台的选项,用户现在可以通过启用该选项在排查问题时获得更多的错误提示
    • 添加了全新的软件更新处理逻辑
  • 修复 🔨
    • 修复了米游社接口获取角色信息产生5003错误的问题 #1060
    • 修复了游戏启动器中帧率解锁功能在游戏4.3版本下失效的问题 #1190
    • 修复了特定情况下米游社公告倒计时数据错误的问题
    • 修复了错误的 PowerShell 语句
  • 优化 ✨
    • 优化了养成计算中的错误提示语句,使得错误提示更加明确 #1163
    • 优化了养成计算的界面,现在将会显示每项具体目标 #1016
    • 优化了主界面中胡桃账号信息的显示,不再显示用户邮箱 #1160
    • 更新了胡桃 API 的错误提示
    • 优化了设置页界面,用户现在可以在设置中查看 Snap Hutao 产生的数据和缓存目录大小
    • 移除了微软商店相关按钮
  • 本地化 🌏
    • 客户端增加了印尼语选项,感谢 @NatsumeAoii提供的翻译 #1188
    • 客户端增加了俄语翻译,感谢 @QweRezOn 提供的翻译
    • 完善了客户端本地化字串符覆盖 #1198
    • 更新了现有语言的翻译

Update Log


Snap Hutao recently obtained sponsorship from the SignPath Foundation for code signing certificates. Starting from version 1.9.0, we will use a brand-new certificate to sign Snap Hutao installation packages.
Programs with the new signature will be incompatible with old versions. Users updating from versions 1.8.4 and older to 1.9.0 and newer versions need to uninstall the old version first and then perform a fresh installation of the new version of the client. Due to the design of Snap Hutao's data directory, users will not lose any important data.
You can read the article Explanation of Breaking Changes in Version 1.9.0 for a deeper understanding of how the signature changes in this version update affect the Snap Hutao project.

  • New Features ➕
    • The game launcher now supports multiple game paths #525
    • Added QR code login method for miHoYo in the user panel #870
    • The client now automatically detects network status and displays the results in the settings page #1116
    • Added an option in the game launcher to start Genshin Impact in touch mode #1173
    • Add option to change in-game announcement source in the settings page, now you may select oversea severs as the source and display announcements with same lanague of your Snap Hutao #1112
      • Only available when there is valid regular expression in Crowdin translation (Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English are supported now)
    • Added an option in the settings to enable the console. Users can now get more error prompts when troubleshooting by enabling this option.
    • Introduced a completely new logic for software updates.
  • Bug Fixes 🔨
    • Fixed an issue with miHoYo API returning a 5003 error when fetching character information #1060
    • Fixed the issue that Game Launcher cannot unlock framerate limit in Genshin Impact 4.3 version #1190
    • Fixed an issue with incorrect countdown data for miHoYo announcements in specific situations.
    • Fixed incorrect PowerShell statements.
  • Optimizations ✨
    • Improved error prompt statements in development calculations, making error messages more explicit #1163
    • Optimized the interface of development calculations, now showing specific goals for each item #1016
    • Optimized the display of Hutao account information on the main interface, no longer displaying user email addresses #1160
    • Updated error prompts for Hutao API.
    • Optimized the settings page interface; users can now view the size of data and cache directories generated by Snap Hutao in the settings.
    • Removed Microsoft Store buttons
  • Localization 🌏
    • Added Indonesian language option in the client, thanks to contribution by @NatsumeAoii #1188
    • Added Russian language option in the client, thanks to contribution by @QweRezOn
    • Improved client localization string character coverage #1198
    • Updated translations for existing languages.

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.8.4...1.9.0