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Releases: DGP-Studio/Snap.Hutao


05 Dec 08:26
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  • 修复
    • 修复了每日签到提示活动已到期的问题
    • 修复了无法选择 pwsh.exe 作为 PowerShell 主机的问题 #1145 #1153
    • 修复了特定情况下由第三方程序拉起的胡桃会出现文本语言不正确的问题 #1147
    • 修复了创建的桌面快捷方式无法找到 PowerShell 的问题 #1151 #1154
  • 优化
    • 更新了胡桃云服务的相关文本
    • 优化了游戏启动与结束时的 Discord Activity 追踪表现
    • 调整了角色/武器资料/我的角色页面,现在缩放窗口时内容将不再高频闪烁
    • 优化了启动游戏页面切换服务器时的性能,现在会使用多线程分片下载资源文件
    • 优化了启动游戏页面切换服务器时的逻辑,现在会提前检查对应目录是否拥有需要的文件权限

Update Log

  • Fix
    • Fixed the issue that daily-checkin shows activity end
    • Fixed the issue that pwsh.exe cannot be selected as PowerShell host #1145 #1153
    • Fixed display language error when Snap Hutao being pulled up by third-party software #1147
    • Fixed PowerShell not found error on desktop shortcut #1151 #1154
  • Optimization
    • Updated Snap Hutao Cloud prompts text
    • Optimized Discord Activity tracking performance at the beginning and the end of game
    • Optimized resize performance on Character WIKI/Weapon WIKI/My Character pages
    • Optimized performance of server conversion, multi-thread downloading on multipart content is now enabled
    • Optimized server conversion logic, Snap Hutao will not check folder writing permission before the task

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.8.3...1.8.4


29 Nov 03:14
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  • 修复
    • 修复了当 Discord 客户端未启动时,胡桃会闪退的问题 #1134
    • 修复了祈愿记录时间不正确的问题 #1138
  • 优化
    • 在安装包中包含了 .NET 环境

Update Log

  • Fix
    • Fixed the crash issue when Discord client is not running #1134
    • Fixed wrong wish record time #1138
  • Optimization
    • Includes .NET environment with the package

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.8.1...1.8.3


28 Nov 03:31
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  • 新增
    • 启动游戏新增 Discord Activity 同步功能,开启后在游玩时会自动同步状态 #1082
  • 修复
    • 修复了从祈愿记录页面胡桃云面板导航至深渊记录页面不会同步导航栏选项的问题 #1116
    • 修复了自动连点功能无法绑定 Alt 键的问题 #1119
    • 修复了养成计划切换计划后部分物品无法刷新的问题 #1099
    • 修复了成就管理只能导入名称为空的 json 文件的问题 #1124
    • 修复了启动游戏页面资源下载页签 中完整包链接无效的问题,现在替换为了分段文件的链接 #1126
    • 修复了实时便笺通知提示的内容不正确,通知会反复弹出,以及通知会忽略用户设置的静默提示的问题 #1123
  • 优化
    • 为 设备指纹/CookieToken 引入了超时刷新机制,现在不需要经常在用户面板中点击刷新了 #1121
    • 重做了角色资料页面的 UI
    • 在未登录米游社/HoYoLAB的情况下左下角会显示相应文本 #1127

Update Log

  • Add
    • Added Discord Activity synchronization functions in Game Launcher, it syncs game status when playing Genshin Impact #1082
  • Fix
    • Fixed the issue where navigating from Wish Export page Hutao Cloud panel to Spiral Abyss page would not synchronize the navigation bar options #1116
    • Fixed the issue that Auto Click feature cannot bind with Alt key #1119
    • Fixed item refresh issue after switching plans in Dev Plan #1099
    • Fixed issue that only blank name json file can be imported in Achievement page #1124
    • Fixed full package download link under Resource Download page in Game Launcher, it is replaced with split files link #1126
    • Fixed the notification issues from Realtime Note, includes wrong content, repeated notifications and unexpectedly bypass client mode #1123
  • Optimization
    • Added overtime refresh rules for Fingerprint/CookieToken, users don't need to click Refresh Cookie in User Panel so often #1121
    • Remake Character WIKI page UI
    • Added hint text when there is no signed in MiHoYo BBS account #1127

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.8.0...1.8.1


22 Nov 01:31
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  • 升级了 .NET 版本到 8 #1103
  • 修复
    • 修复了胡桃通行证注册/注销/重置密码提示未翻译的问题 #1087 by @Tangweirui2021
    • 修复了养成计划页面首排物品在切换计划后无法正确刷新的问题 #1099
    • 修复了启动游戏页面 无边框与独占全屏无法同时设置的问题 #1106
    • 替换了文件选择器的实现,解决了无法在管理员模式下使用文件选择器的问题 #1096
    • 修复了启动时初始化用户信息可能导致程序假死的问题
    • 修复了部分页面在切换后会产生不必要的异常的问题
    • 修复了部分异常无法正常捕获的问题
  • 优化
    • 为元数据初始化添加了更详细的失败信息

Update Logs

  • Upgraded .NET version to 8 #1103
  • Fixes
    • Fixed translation issues with Hutao Passport registration/logoff/reset password prompts #1087 by @Tangweirui2021
    • Fixed an issue with the first-row items on the Dev Plan page not refreshing correctly after switching plans #1099
    • Fixed an issue on the Game Launcher page where borderless and exclusive fullscreen could not be set simultaneously #1106
    • Replaced the file pickers implementation, resolving the problem of being unable to use the file pickers under administrator privilege #1096
    • Fixed an issue where initializing user information at startup could lead to program freezing
    • Fixed unnecessary exceptions occurring on certain pages after being switched from
    • Fixed issues with some exceptions not being captured properly
  • Optimization
    • Added more detailed failure information for metadata initialization

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.7.17...1.8.0


13 Nov 23:27
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  • 修复
    • 修复了养成计划养成物品列表首个物品在切换计划后不会刷新的问题 #1079
    • 修复了无法获取国际服祈愿记录 URL 的问题 #1081
    • 修复了特定条件下错误日志无法正常获取并上传的问题
    • 修复了导出祈愿记录中时间不正确的问题
    • 修复了米游社网页弹窗数据异常的问题
    • 修复了祈愿记录页面历史/角色/武器页签中物品数量遮罩的圆角半径不正确的问题
    • 修复了非 UTC+08 时区下首页中公告的时间可能不正确的问题
  • 优化
    • 更改了米游社网页弹窗的 UI, 支持后退与刷新并能查看网页标题
    • 自动连点功能支持禁用功能和自定义按键 #961
    • 祈愿记录 UIGF 导入/导出支持 UIGF v2.4 格式
      • 增加了对祈愿记录服务器时区的时间判断 #830

Update Log

  • Fix
    • Fixed the issue that the first item in Dev Plan won't be refresh after switching the plan #1079
    • Fixed the issue that wish record URL for global server cannot be found #1081
    • Fixed the issue that error log cannot be captured correctly in some specific situations
    • Fixed wrong wish record time issue
    • Fixed the data exception in MiHoYo BBS web pop-ups
    • Fixed the issue of wrong corner radius settings of mask of history/character/weapon page in Wish History
    • Fixed the wrong announcement time in time zone other than UTC+8
  • Optimization
    • Optimized the UI of MiHoYo BBS web pop-ups, supports backward and refresh feature, supports showing the web title
    • Auto click feature now can be switched off and hot key can be changed #961
    • Added support of UIGF v2.4 format import and export
      • Added time zone inference based on account's server #830

完整更新日志/What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.7.16...1.7.17


06 Nov 14:46
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  • 新增
    • 游戏启动器选项中新增快速选择分辨率的列表 #1062
    • 增加对 Starward 客户端的支持,以允许用户实现游戏时长统计 #1071
    • 游戏启动器资源下载中增加资源链接复制按钮 #1074
  • 修复
    • 修复了获取用户米游社数据时返回5003错误的问题 #1060
    • 修复了在特定情况下程序界面无法滚动的问题 #1068 #1072
    • 修复了我的角色功能中无法正常显示角色等级技能的问题 #1069
  • 优化
    • 优化了胡桃软件更新公告的显示逻辑 #1015
    • 用户的按钮选项在全客户端范围内将会被自动记忆 #778
    • 增强了客户端稳定性

Update Log

  • Add
    • Add screen resolution quick switch dropdown in Game Launcher #1062
    • Add support to allow user to cooperate Starward with Snap Hutao to collect game play time stats #1071
    • Add resource download link copy option in Game Launcher #1074
  • Fix
    • Fixed issue that MiHoYo BBS returns 5003 error when fetching data #1060
    • Fixed issue that page cannot be scrolled in some particular situations #1068 #1072
    • Fixed issue that characters' skill levels are not shown in My Character #1069
  • Optimization
    • Optimized update log display logic #1015
    • User's setting selection on each button will be memorized in global scope #778
    • Improved client stability

完整更新日志/What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.7.15...1.7.16


02 Nov 08:47
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  • 新增
    • 新增从胡桃云恢复抽卡记录至本地新存档的选项 #886
  • 修复
    • 修复了游戏启动项能填入非法数值的问题,为部分启动参数增加了开关 #1061
    • 修复了无法在客户端中注册胡桃云账号的问题 #1059
    • 修复了设置实时便笺 Webhook Url 后可能导致通知功能不正常的问题
  • 优化
    • 优化了客户端中胡桃云账号修改密码和注销账号的操作逻辑

Update Log

  • Add
    • Added option to recover full wish history record backup from Snap Hutao Cloud service into new archive #886
  • Fix
    • Fixed issue that invalid game launching parameter can be parsed; added switch for some launch parameters #1061
    • Fixed issue that user cannot register Snap Hutao account in the client #1059
    • Fixed notification issue after Realtime Note Webhook Url is set
  • Optimization
    • Optimized Snap Hutao account's change password and delete account logic in the client

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.7.14...1.7.15


31 Oct 05:56
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  • 修复了部分功能在打开对话框时会崩溃的问题 #1052 #1054

Update Log

  • Fixed an issue causes the program to crash when opening some specific dialog boxes #1052 #1054

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.7.13...1.7.14


30 Oct 10:56
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  • 新增
    • 增加实时便笺数据转发 Webhook 选项 #431
    • 在祈愿记录页面显示祈愿记录范围时间 #899
    • 为实时便笺页面引入了历练点详情视图,可以查看当前历练点获取情况 #1021
  • 修复
    • 修复了通过快速启动窗口启动游戏会抛出参数错误的问题 #925
    • 修复了高级启动器界面闪退的问题 #1035
    • 修复了内嵌网页在米游社页面中无法返回的问题 #1023
    • 修复了从 B 服转换服务器中出现的问题 #1041
    • 修复了无法正确检测游戏是否正在运行的问题
    • 修复了切换胡桃通行证后祈愿记录中的胡桃云集成无法正确反应的问题 #903
  • 优化
    • 为胡桃云服务的提示文本增加了国际化支持
    • 重新设计了胡桃通行证页面的 UI,现在集成在设置页面中 #911
    • 重新设计了启动游戏页面的 UI
    • 用户现在可以在高级启动器中选择游戏启动参数

Update Log

  • Add
    • Added option to forward Realtime Note data to specified webhook #431
    • Added date range of wish history records #899
    • Added detail view of Adventure Encounter Points in Realtime Note, support view of current Adventure Encounter Points status #1021
  • Fix
    • Fixed Argument error when using quick launcher from task bar in some conditions #925
    • Fixed crash issue when using advanced launcher in some conditions #1035
    • Fixed issue that cannot go back on embedded MiHoYo BBS browser #1023
    • Fixed issue on converting server from bilibili server to global server #1041
    • Fixed issue that Snap Hutao cannot identify game client status
    • Fixed issue on Snap Hutao Cloud status on wish export page, after switching Snap Hutao account #903
  • Optimization
    • Added localization support on prompts that returned by Snap Hutao Cloud server
    • Redesigned Snap Hutao Passport UI, and now it is embedded in settings page #911
    • Redesigned advanced game launcher page UI
    • User now can view and select launcher parameters in advanced game launcher

What's Chaged

Full Changelog: 1.7.11...1.7.13


18 Oct 20:27
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Update log

  • Fixed the game launching arguments error (hotfix)


  • 修复了游戏启动器中窗口设置的错误 (hotfix)

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.7.10...1.7.11