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DIMO Token and Governance


The contracts are organized into different files by network and purpose:

📦 contracts
┗ 📂 Mainnet
  ┗ 📂 DimoV1
    ┗ 📜 Dimo.sol
  ┗ 📂 DimoV2
    ┣ 📜 DimoV2.sol
    ┗ 📜 StorageV1.sol
┗ 📂 Mumbai
  ┣ 📜 Omid.sol
  ┗ 📜 OmidV2.sol
┗ 📂 Polygon
  ┗ 📂 ChildToken
    ┣ 📜 Dimo.sol
    ┗ 📜 DimoV2.sol
  ┗ 📂 TestDev
    ┗ 📜 TestDev.sol
  ┗ 📂 Governance
    ┣ 📜 DimoGovernorUpgradeable.sol
    ┗ 📜 TimeLockUpgradeable.sol

How to run

You can execute the following commands to build the project and run additional scripts:

# Installs dependencies
npm i

# Clears cache, compiles contracts and generates typechain files
npm run build


You can deploy the contracts running the following scripts, where network_name is one of the networks available in hardhat.config.ts:

# Deploys/upgrade token in the Mainnet
npx hardhat run scripts/deployMainnetUpgrade.ts --network mainnet

# Deploys/upgrade token in Polygon
npx hardhat run scripts/deployPolygonDimoV2.ts --network polygon

# Deploys/upgrade governance in Polygon
npx hardhat run scripts/deployGovernance.ts --network polygon

You can also verify contracts in etherscan/polygonscan/etc running the following command. Remove <constructor_arguments> if there isn't any.

npx hardhat verify '<deployed_contract_address>' '<constructor_arguments>' --network '<network_name>'

# Use this flag to specify the contract implementation if needed
npx hardhat verify '<deployed_contract_address>' '<constructor_arguments>' --network '<network_name>' --contract '<contract_path>:<contract_name>'

You can print the order in which inherited contracts are linearized:

npx hardhat print-linearization contracts/../<ContractName>.sol:<ContractName>


You can run the test suite with the following command:

# Runs test suite
npm run test