Name: Shovan Kumar Das
- Average speed: 1.6782391458590495 m/s
- Total distance traveled: 215.14092455483328 m
- Total acceleration in x direction: 9603.94380273996 m/s^2
- Total acceleration in y direction: 13128.732843633741 m/s^2
- Total acceleration in z direction: 25602.166787147522 m/s^2
- Number of steps (calculated from z component): 255.5
Q1: Does the acceleration calculated from the speed match the observed acceleration? What differences do you notice? What could be their cause?
Q2: Is the number of steps logical?
From the provided data and calculations, it seems that there are some discrepancies between the observed acceleration and the calculated acceleration from speed.
The calculated acceleration from speed does not match the observed acceleration entirely. This mismatch can arise due to various factors like noise in accelerometer data and errors in integration.
The number of steps calculated from the z-component of acceleration might not be entirely logical. While acceleration in the z-direction can correspond to steps during walking (as the phone moves up and down with each step), it's unlikely that each peak or trough in the z-component corresponds to a single step. Factors such as irregular gait, variations in walking speed, and other movements could influence the z-component of acceleration, leading to an inaccurate step count.