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Publishing plugin updates

unless games edited this page Nov 5, 2023 · 1 revision
  1. fork Cardinal on github

  2. clone your fork

git clone --depth 1 --recursive --shallow-submodules

--depth 1 and --shallow-submodules saves download bandwidth and time

use an existing clone (see details)
  • set the origin to your fork inside the root of the Cardinal directory
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin
  • make sure all cardinal code and submodules are updated, to reduce risks of merge conflicts
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. create a new branch at the root of the Cardinal directory for preparing the plugin update


git checkout -b update-YOUR_PLUGIN
  1. go into your plugin folder and update it
cd plugins/YOUR_PLUGIN
git pull

Note that the active commit on that plugin folder is going to be the one used by cardinal at the end.

  1. ping us if any new modules were introduced, so we can add them and check for function/symbol name conflicts with other modules (this last step is automated).

It shouldn't be on single module devs to ensure global compat with other modules, as official Rack does not care, it is Cardinal's job here to ensure they all work together nicely

  1. commit and push your changes from the root of the Cardinal directory


git commit -am "updating YOUR_PLUGIN"
git push -u origin update-YOUR_PLUGIN
  1. open a pull request against the official Cardinal github project
Clone this wiki locally