A DITA-fied version of the Pilot Training Manual for the Mitchell Bomber B-25
This project converted the original Pilot Training Manual for the Mitchell Bomber (B-25) to DITA 1.3, designed to provide a sample aviation document that has been optimized using DITA best practices.
The original version of the document can be found on the Archive.org website at https://archive.org/details/PilotTrainingManualForTheMitchellBomber.
Some of the things this manual will showcase when complete:
- implement a keystore containing keys of commonly-used features DONE
- a key-based image repository DONE
- a separate keystore for holding key terms DONE
- addition of glossary entries DONE
- common phrases rendered in conkeyrefs DONE
- topics fully indexed DONE
- fully accessible images utilizing the desc and alt elements DONE
- fully accessible tables using @rowheader DONE
- short descriptions for every topic DONE
- relationship tables for the contents of each chapter DONE
- sample multimedia files inserted into appropriate topics: takeoff.dita, landing.dita, single_engine_landing.dita, raising_the_wheels_once_airborne.dita, and starting_engines.dita DONE
At the time of writing (December 2019) this project is now content- and image-complete.
If you notice any issues or typos in the content, either send me an email (keith@ditawriter.com), or feel free to fix it yourself.
Much thanks to Scott Hudson and Eliot Kimber for their considerable contributions to this project.