Everyone loves Harry Potter, and some fans want to know all the spells. Here is the solution:
What to say | What it does |
Aberto | open objects such as doors or windows |
Accio | summoning charm |
Aguamenti | used to create water |
Alarte Ascendare | shoots target high in the air |
Alohomora | unlocking charm, counter of Colloportus |
Anapneo | unblocks target's airway |
Anteoculatia | turns target's hair into antlers |
Aparecium | revealing charm |
Apparate | used to teleport oneself |
Arania Exumai | used to blast away arachnids |
Arresto Momentum | used to slow a moving target |
Ascendio | launches caster into the air |
Avada Kedavera | everyone knows the iconic killing curse |
Avifors | turns target into bird |
Avis | bird conjoring charm |
Bombarda | creates small explosion |
Bombarda Maxima | creates a large explosion |
Brackium Emendo | mends broken bones |
Calvario | hair loss jinx |
Cantis | target sings uncontrolably |
Carpe Retractum | grabs target and puls toward caster |
Cave Inimicum | warns caster of nearby enemies |
Cistem Apero | opens chests and boxes |
Colloportus | locking spell, counter of Alohomora |
Colloshoo | creates sticky substance underneeth target's feet |
Colovaria | changes target's color |
Confingro | blasting curse |
Confundo | confusion charm |
Crucio | pain curse |
GIF image by ceebee.
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