--Espresso Express
😉 Heyyy !! Nice To See you!! we made coffee cafeteria website using php with login/register authentication and with admin portal (using mysql database)
Link :- http://eecafeteria.epizy.com/
Forget passowrd mail probably in spam . Please check spam to reset password
Admin portal :- http://eecafeteria.epizy.com/index_ad.php
Email and Password for admin portal is mentioned below
- 🔐 Login/Register Authentication
- 🐇 Form Validation Using Ajax
- 🔑 Password Stored Encrypted In Database Using PHP Encryption (Hash-12)
- 📧 Message is send to mail using PHP Mailer Libraray
- ☁ Forget Password :- Reset Password Link Send To your Mail
- 🛒 cart and order functionality
- 🧾 history order page
- 🎫 admin portal
- 🍽 admin can add add new menu item and edit or delete menu item
- 📈 graph analysis for admin to check peak time and number of order in day
Please check your spam if you still donot recieve mail please add issue
- Email - admin@gmail.com
- Password - 123456
Make Database and then create table using sql files uploaded here or Click Here
After Clonning Make Changes Of Database Information in config.php(Ln 2) and sendmsg.php(Ln 4) and replace with your own databse name,password,host and username
$conn=new mysqli($your_servername, $your_username, $your_password, $your_dbname);
And Also Replace YOUR Eamil And Password In sendmsg.php(Ln 52,Ln 53) And check_reset.php(Ln 29,Ln 30) -
53. $mail->Username = 'your_email'; //Replace With Your Mail
54. $mail->Password = 'your_email_password'; //Replace With Your Mail Password
And replace reciptent in sendmsg.php(Ln 60)
60. $mail->addAddress('your_reciptent', 'Admin'); //Replace With Your Recipient
If You ♥ It Please Drop a ⭐ 😉