A 3-tier web application that allow SJSU students monitor and schedule their degree plans to meet graduation requirements.
- 🙍🏻♀️ Sign-up/Login with DPA
- 🔏 Protect your data with JWT authentication
- 🏦 Scan your SJSU Transcript and get all taken semesters in nice format
- 📑 Drag & Drop Courses to desired semesters
- 💳 Show impaction and difficulty of courses and semesters
- 💵 Show all remaining courses/areas needed to meet all graduation requirements
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- Node.js
- Angular CLI
- npm registry
- Github
- VSCode OR ...anything you like.
- Postman: this will allow you test your API (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) without using frontend
- IMPORTANT - GCloud Key - you need to ask us permission or send us an email at dpa.sjsu@gmail.com so we can send you the GCloud OCR key to get the transcript parser to work.
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/DPA-SJSU/Degree-Planning-Assistant.git
# Go into the repository
$ cd Degree-Planning-Assistant
# Install Angular CLi
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
# Install dependencies
$ cd client && npm i
# Start client on localhost:4200
$ npm start
# Open a new terminal to install, start MongDB Local
$ npm run mongo:install
$ npm run mongo:start
$ npm run mongo:dev
# Install dependencies
$ cd server/ && npm i
# Add GCloud Key to get scanning function to work - PLEASE CHECK REQUIREMENTS
$ touch cloud-ocr-key.json
# Start server at localhost:8080/
$ npm run dev
📊 Project Storyboard: DPA
# Test server using Mocha.js unit test
cd server
$ npm run test
├── client
├── e2e — Builds and serves the app then runs end-to-end tests
├── src
├── app — Contains the source code of components
├── assets — Static asset files (.png, .gif, etc.)
├── environment — Environment configurations
├── main.ts — Entry point of the application
├── index.html — Main index file
└── package.json — Client Config
└── server
├── controller — Storing APIs of the server
└── database
├── model - init all DB models
└── schema - init schema for each model
└── store
├── Scanning - Consist the logic of Transcript OCR
├── passport.js - user authentication with passport JWT
├── utils.js - contains supporting functions
└── config.js — storing your configuration attribute
├── .eslintrc — config ESLint Airbnb Coding Style
├── .babelrc — migrate ES6 -> ES5
├── .prettierrc — prettier config
├── package.json — Server Config
├── app.yaml — GCloud config for prod deployment
└── app.js — Everything a server needs to start
├── .gitignore
└── README.md
👨🏻💻 Calvin Nguyen - calvinqc
👩🏻💻 Elana Olson - ellamaolson
👨🏻💻 Dale Seen - daleCS
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license.